Personal Values Development

Essay by nferttA, February 2008

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Personal values are developed at an early age. This paper will examine those personal values along with ground rules and ethics development. Along with values, ground rules and ethics, this paper will also define the sources that helped shaped those values and the criteria along with the decision-making factors used to revise those values. The potential impact on the values and performance on the workplace will conclude this paper.

What are personal values? Personal values are principles which define one as an individual. Personal values include honesty, reliability, and trust. Personal values will determine how an individual will handle or react in different situations which will be presented or encountered throughout the journey of life. Personal values will also determine how an individual will relate to other individuals who may have different values and principles. Personal values and ethics will be carried by an individual in the personal aspect of life as well as in the business world.

If an individual carries the personal values and ethics into the workplace, and the workplace does not uphold ethics as a main concern or priority then the individual would not succeed at this company. What do personal values reflect? Personal values reflect the most basic characteristics of adaptation that guide individuals in deciding which situations should be entered and what should be done in those situations (Kahle, 1980).

An employee at a pharmaceutical company visits doctor's offices in order to educate the doctors about the new medication and what the side effects may be, the advantages and disadvantages of the medication. The doctor will in turn review the information and decide if that is the best medication or if a more economical medication which will have the same results. That would be an ethical way to make the presentation to the doctor.