How was the Holocaust a challenge to Western Tradition?
It was believed that the Jews were hated because of economics, their religion, and the racial theory that they were inferior. Economically Jews were hated because they seemed to possess great power and wealth, which led to more and more groups disliking them. In their religion, they believe that they are the chosen people of Jesus and many people didn?t see that as plausible and resented the fact that they practiced it, like they were better than everyone else because they were ?chosen?. Also it was strongly believed that Jews were inferior due to their race, however this cannot be substantiated since being Jewish is not a race and there is not deciding factor that can lead to the conclusion that one is Jewish. The Holocaust was a challenge to Western Tradition. It challenged a person?s right to his or her own personal freedoms and in the process implored slavery.
Through brute force the Jews were forced to leave their homes and follow the German armies to new homes, they were herded towards the ?ghettos?. On the way to these Ghettos, the luggage that the Jews brought with them were tossed aside, searched, sorted and pillaged by the German officers. The bottom line was that since the people were Jewish they were not considered people and thus had no rights to anything, not even freedom of speech. In Schindler?s List a woman was confronted by an SS officer and told them that the foundation needed to be rebuilt unless they wanted it to crash. She was then shot mercilessly as the other worked. Not only did the SS officers hate her because she was Jewish, but because she tried to tell them what should be done, showing them that even in...