Essays Tagged: "Father"

Book study of "The Other side of the fence" by Paul Mauchline

ng you information, slowly. Like for example this bit, it shows that for all of Richard's life, his father had told him what to do, where to go and more importantly what he did wrong.CHARACTER:-The na ... f in the urban jungle.This example is the blurb from the back cover."Thrown out of the house by his father, Richard suddenly wakes up to the fact that he has no idea what to do, no money and nowhere t ...

(5 pages) 29 0 3.7 Jan/1996

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Analysis of Robert Hayden's poem "Those Winter Sundays"

In "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden the story between the speaker and the father embraces the ideas of unseen love and the speaker's regret. The poem is a result of the speak ... et. The poem is a result of the speaker's reflection on his or her past experiences with his or her father. Hayden shows all the little things the father does, and how the speaker takes it for granted ... yden shows all the little things the father does, and how the speaker takes it for granted that the father just kind of did those things. Looking back, the speaker has now realized and understands wha ...

(2 pages) 206 0 5.0 Feb/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Poetry

Book report on A Child Called "IT" by Dave Pelzer

heart touching book.At first David's life was a normal life. He had the typical family, a mother, a father and some brothers. His mom was a good mom; she always cleaned, cooked large meals and loved h ... beating him and one day she turned on the stove and held his hands over the open flame.Whenever the father was home David's mom would act normal to him. David loved when his father was home, but he ra ...

(2 pages) 79 2 4.1 Apr/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Analysis of the movie "Parenthood".

Gil Buckman is a self-conscious dad, desperately concerned about being a better parent than his own father. His sisters are struggling with their own family issues: one a single parent and the other t ... ionship of adults to their parents. Gil flashes back with daydreams about his relationship with his father when he was young, and forward to a dream of his son being valedictorian and thanking him in ...

(3 pages) 149 1 4.0 Jul/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies

"Admiration", it is a diagnostic essay about a person I admire. I received great comments from the teacher.

ADMIRATIONThere are many people that I admire, but none more than my father. Despite the many hardships he survived, my father remains a positive influence in my life. D ... hardships he survived, my father remains a positive influence in my life. During his childhood, my father overcame many obstacles. He has always been supportive of me, and taught me the importance of ... importance of strong family values and success.We all have obstacles when we are growing up, but my father had more than most people. He had an abusive father, and because of that, had to drop out of ...

(2 pages) 103 0 3.7 Nov/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Is Billy Elliot gay?

Billy lives with his overly macho father and brother, and their increasingly senile grandmother, and so a major mother figure in his l ... he isn't involved in the strikes, or the general workings of the family. The relationship that the father has with the two sons is very different, Tony, Billy's older brother works alongside their fa ... th the strikes, and they both therefore have the same aim. Despite their money problems Jackie, the father, still puts aside money to send Billy to weekly boxing lessons, not realizing in fact that Bi ...

(3 pages) 70 4 3.5 Dec/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies

Another concept for a 12 minute script.

Dave, 17, lives at home with his parents. His father, a regimental, structured, conservative old man is forcing his son to study law. He claims he ... ho has already showered and gotten dressed for work, which is starting in two hours, meets him. His father Pat reminds Dave to stop whistling in the mornings and to stop slouching. Dave makes some bre ...

(2 pages) 31 0 5.0 Sep/2004

Subjects: Art Essays > Film & TV Studies

Being Black If I were Martin Luther King Jr. Two incidents that affected me in many ways.

hildhood games together. He did not live in our community, but he was usually around every day; his father owned a store across the street from our home. At the age of six we both entered school they ... this was not what I wanted but what he wanted. The high point came when he told me one day that his father had demanded that he would play with me anymore. I never will forget what a great shock that ...

(3 pages) 23 0 3.0 Oct/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Another College Essay - My life

got our legal rights as residents of USA. I still cry when I think of that day.If it wasn't for my father, I would not be where I am now. He gave me courage throughout my life, pushed me as hard as h ... l not harm your daughter, and return her home safe.I was 6 years old when they took me away from my father. It was the time when communism was reaching its end in Albania, and democracy was knocking o ...

(3 pages) 82 1 4.8 Nov/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing


There are many people in my life I admire, but none more than my father. Despite the many hardships he survived, my father remains a positive influence in my life. D ... hardships he survived, my father remains a positive influence in my life. During his childhood, my father overcame many obstacles. He has always been supportive and taught me the importance of strong ... d taught me the importance of strong family values and success.Family comes before everything is my father's motto. Now we all have obstacles when we are growing up, but my father had more than most p ...

(2 pages) 23 0 5.0 Aug/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

The Arrest

ur house and taken your dad away? Well yesterday they took mine away; they said something about our father stealing something. Not really sure on what he would steal; our father would have worked hard ... e strange men had come yesterday I still feel very cold from them being here, how they had taken my father away never to come back and my special Sounder's life.The men stormed in as I was on my way o ...

(1 pages) 17 0 4.0 Aug/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Adult Children and their Fathers: Relationship Changes 20 Years After Parental Divorce.

This paper presents a study about how relationship changes with their fathers that were examined 20 years after their parents divorced. The data was drawn from 173 adult ... erm impact. The findings indicate that most adult children felt that their relationships with their fathers had either improved or remained stable over time. Custody issues did not directly affect cha ... time. Custody issues did not directly affect changes in the quality of the relationship with their fathers; however, increased inter-parental conflict, early father remarriage, and low father involve ...

(7 pages) 46 0 5.0 Sep/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology


sically, but not emotionally. You can't feel or sense the love coming from this individual.I have a father, but not a dad. I see his every second weekend as per custody agreement. We see each other, a ... ls me, "he has a problem showing it" she says. And I do love him. I mean every girl has to love her father?Dad has recently started a new family. Now he claims that this is difficult for him because h ...

(2 pages) 1616 0 0.0 Oct/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community > Children and Youngsters

Baseball Fever

Harris. Harris is in his 20s and is very smart like his dad, also he is nice. Mr. Feldman is Ezras father, he is smart because he can play a chess game in his head. Ezra loves baseball and doe ... play a chess game in his head. Ezra loves baseball and does not like to miss any games. His father hates baseball and thinks that it is a waste of time. On the first game Ezra father told him ...

(2 pages) 9 0 1.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

A Bird In The House

strated by their predecessors. For example, Piquette inherits traits from her family, Ewan from his father and Vanessa from her grandfather. Whether Piquette Tonnerre chooses to be a product of ... llows her to attain any other identity. One inheritance is her fowl mouth. Expected to care for her father, Piquette’s education is “sporadic and her interest in ...

(3 pages) 10 0 0.0 Feb/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

"Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt

onist develops new characteristics and major traits that redefine the character. After Frank’s father leaves to join the army, Frank has to take on the responsibility of taking care of his family ... y brothers,” (293). It is evident through this quotation that since his mother is sick and his father is not at home anymore, Frank takes on the responsibility to feed his brothers. His actions i ...

(5 pages) 20 1 4.0 Jul/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American


esn't matter to me, What I strive to receive, I take, I don't own anything, but borrow it from...My father, the father that taught me of women being nothing but gold diggers, But if I look at him, and ... t that I don't understand what I have done? Is it that I don't know who I am?, Or is it that I am a fathers' son.When I leave this earth, where will I go, who shall I run to, For I realize that I was ...

(2 pages) 1060 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

Alfonso and his family         Alfonso has an older brother named

Ernie, he is not very mean to him and they didn't fight a lot either, just played around a lot. His father liked softball and often went to watch his team play. He had a high temper and couldn't toler ... play. He had a high temper and couldn't tolerate Alfonso messing up or doing something he knew his father wouldn't like. One time he came home and his team had won so he was really happy as he walked ...

(2 pages) 1072 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

The Author's Point of View in “War” by T. Find

;" This shows life as a child by showing first hand the way he reacts to the news he gets about his father going to war. It shows that he thinks hiding in a hayloft will make his father stay home from ... and not knowing any better he tries it. "I decided to make a dash for it. But I had to ward off my father first-and so I threw that stone." This shows the actions he is willing to take to hide from h ...

(3 pages) 2882 0 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

1950s Ideal family vs todays families

and behavior. When we think of a western family, the standard nuclear family comes to mind, working father, stay-at-home mom and a flock of children. This is no longer the case, in the past 50 years t ... cousins are usually not the part of the family. However, in my family, I have my married biological father and mother with the six biological children including me that is, we are four brothers and tw ...

(4 pages) 56 1 3.0 Mar/2009

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Comparative Essays