Essays Tagged: "Florence"

Art in the Renaissance

f the human body.The term Early Renaissance characterizes virtually all the art of the 15th century.Florence, Italy was the cradle of Renaissance artistic thought and remained one of theundisputed cen ... 1450 a new generation of artists that included Pollaiuolo and Sandro Botticellicame to be known in Florence. The Early Renaissance was a necessary preparation for theperfection of High Renaissance ar ...

(2 pages) 301 0 3.7 Jan/1996

Subjects: Art Essays

Artists and Art and Learning during the Renaissance

, the first truly Renaissance builder, and in that capacity designed a tremendous octagonal dome of Florence Cathedral, one of the most impressive artistic and engineering feats since the time of the ... hiberti is best known for the reliefs he made for two sets of gilded bronze doors, produced for the Florence Baptistery." His second pair of doors illustrated Old Testament themes, and was highly prai ...

(11 pages) 504 0 4.4 Mar/2002

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

Amerigo Vespucci

Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian explorer was born in Florence, Italy in the year of 1454. Florence was a good city to grow up in for young Amerigo, becau ... , undoubtedly Amerigo was fascinated with by those tales.Amerigo lived in the Ognissanti section of Florence with a lot of the Vespucci family. The Vespucci family was pretty well off, so Amerigo thou ... l wrong. But then came a period in his life that Amerigo realized he would never see the world, for Florence, unlike the nation of Portugal, which had humongus navies, where Florence had just tiny mer ...

(2 pages) 177 3 4.3 Oct/1996

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays > Travel Descriptions

Analysis of the play FLORENCE by Alice Childress

ow Miss Whitney, an old black woman, discovers that her premonition of the success of her daughter, Florence, as a black actress is undesirably similar to that of a racist, white society. This troubli ... the "colored" section of the train station while Miss Whitney awaits a train to Harlem to convince Florence to come back home to the south. Florence fled to Harlem with ambition of being an actress. ...

(2 pages) 50 0 4.3 Jan/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Antonio's Deam Analysis for "Bless Me Ultima" by Rudolfo Anaya.

first he thinks the three figures are his brothers but then discovers they are Narciso, Lupito, and Florence. Now his friends start fighting and Antonio wonders how many more will die. When he sees th ... runs into the water. Antonio does not know what is left and cries "the magic of Ultima! ". But now Florence points to where Tenorio has murdered Ultima's owl and Ultima has died in pain. The three fi ...

(5 pages) 74 0 4.0 May/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > World Literature

Analyze the critique of the Catholic Church presented by Machiavelli in "The Prince" and show how Machiavelli reveals the true nature of the Church and devises ways to counter them.

cture we must first consider whether Machiavelli was worthy of making such comments. He was born in Florence in 1469 and was first involved in administrative affairs in 1498 at the age of 29. Like his ... of Italy?In the 16th century, Italy was a disunited orgy made up of Rome, Naples, Milan, Venice and Florence and each city-state had its own court and ruler with each city trying to gain the upper han ...

(8 pages) 132 0 3.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science > Political Theory

1. Assess the importance of Machiavelli's writings in the making of Modern Europe 2. Upon what basis could early-modern English subjects justify their resistance to their rulers?

Context and constantly refers to the European States in the 'Modern' times. Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy at a time when the country was in political upheaval. Italy was divided between four ...

(6 pages) 46 0 3.0 May/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Art Unit 3 Critical Essay

rtist who created the painting.The time and place of the Early Renaissance was held particularly in Florence, Italy and was of great discovery, and of transformation from Medieval to Renaissance thoug ...

(2 pages) 36 0 4.3 Feb/2005

Subjects: Art Essays

What is artistic patronage and how important is the patron's input? Examine the importance of patronage for the work of at least two artists dealt with in the subject.

vidence of wealth and status and knew the value of arts as propaganda.This pattern was different in Florence where the city was governed by wealthy merchants and bankers who were responsible for commi ... and bankers who were responsible for commissioning much of the art for the churches and chapels of Florence during the fifteenth century. This group of powerful families wanted to show the world that ...

(11 pages) 80 0 3.0 May/2005

Subjects: Art Essays > Artists

"Apollo and Daphne" painting

n the altarpiece "The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian"It was painted based on the Arno valley north of Florence. I can assume that Pollaiuolo was actually there painting the scene or had actually seen th ... aiuolo was actually there painting the scene or had actually seen that landscape, as he was born in Florence. It is interesting that he incorporated his own realistic visual account into the old Greek ...

(5 pages) 68 0 4.5 Mar/2006

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

Annotated Bibliography for Dante and the Popes

01: 2-7.This book is useful because if provides me with some in-depth information of why exile from Florence was such a big punishment and why it angered Dante so much. It says that Dante had this gre ... nishment and why it angered Dante so much. It says that Dante had this great love for the beauty of Florence. He talks about how he met his wife there and how Florence was really the hot spot of the p ...

(4 pages) 34 0 4.5 May/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Bless me, ultima

oating away while they don't even know it. Then, there is the big example in one of Tony's friends, Florence. An atheist, he didn't accept the god of the church whom so many others in the town believe ... because his life had gone through too much pain and harsh experiences. It is understandable of how Florence feels about life and god because of what he had gone through, his parents were dead, her si ...

(3 pages) 4 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Bless me, ultima

oating away while they don't even know it. Then, there is the big example in one of Tony's friends, Florence. An atheist, he didn't accept the god of the church whom so many others in the town believe ... because his life had gone through too much pain and harsh experiences. It is understandable of how Florence feels about life and god because of what he had gone through, his parents were dead, her si ...

(3 pages) 1722 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Michelangelo the sistine chapel frescos

s thatwere separated my wedges of wood. Maybe Julius has chosen the right man for the job I sent to Florence for a number of assistance to help me with the fresco?s and thetechnique since I am somewha ... ise; Sacrifice of Noah; Flood;and Intoxication of Noah. (Brandes, 260).I sent my assistants back to Florence because I knew that this was my vision andmy responsibility to paint this ceiling. I starte ...

(6 pages) 30 0 4.5 Feb/2008

Subjects: Art Essays > Works of Art

Religion And Truth

, who is skilled with magic and enjoys the life of the outdoors, moves in with Antonio, his brother Florence, and the rest of his family. From then on Ultima teaches Antonio what she thinks of life. O ... the main arguments in Bless Me Ultima was about religion. Basically, Antonio believed in God while Florence didn't. They were both brought up with different beliefs. Florence does have reasons to thi ...

(3 pages) 20 1 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith

Jane Eyre

in a patriarchal society where they were stereotyped as being ?dependent, beautiful, but ignorant? (Florence 45). In Jane, Charlotte shows that it was possible for a woman in the 19th century to achie ... r.Charlotte Bronte tells the story of a girl who ?has no family or friends, no wealth or position? (Florence 2). ?The orphan child, the one most need of protection, is cast aside, whilst the other chi ...

(6 pages) 10 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature


rville as a store where they would sell food in bulk as a charge and delivery operation. Howard and Florence Butt and her three sons, which were Charles, Eugene, and Howard E, ran this store in Kerrvi ...

(4 pages) 14 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American


rville as a store where they would sell food in bulk as a charge and delivery operation. Howard and Florence Butt and her three sons, which were Charles, Eugene, and Howard E, ran this store in Kerrvi ...

(4 pages) 11 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Letter from Machiavelli

Dear Thomas Jefferson, This is Niccolo Machiavelli of Florence. I read the document that you have composed in order to save the states from the tyranny of ...

(2 pages) 1293 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

My name

ere many things you want to know about my name? Well, my birth name is Qui, but many people call me Florence. I like my name for many reasons. One reason I like my name is that it is very unique and I ... Qui. My dad gave me an American name, so other people can pronounce my name. He decided to name me Florence. At home both my parents and other people in my family call me Qui, but people outside the ...

(2 pages) 33 2 3.3 Oct/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing