Essays Tagged: "South Wales"

"Investigating the distribution of streams invertebrates"

gate the distribution of Benthic invertebrates at the Nant Iago stream, which is near Abergaveng in South Wales;2) We measured a 150 m stretch of the stream, each group had a 10 m stretch mete ...

(1 pages) 25 1 3.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

"Investigating the distribution of streams invertebrates"

gate the distribution of Benthic invertebrates at the Nant Iago stream, which is near Abergaveng in South Wales;2) We measured a 150 m stretch of the stream, each group had a 10 m stretch mete ... r investigation I studied Benthic invertebrates, particularly chironomus in the Nant Iago stream in South Wales. A stream is formed due to gravitational forces that cause an overland flow of wa ...

(11 pages) 51 1 3.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Why is Dai Williams Involved in the Building of a New Japanese Restaurant in Wales?

a builder who is assisting in the construction of a new Japanese Restaurant which is to be built in South Wales. The reason for this stretches right back to the reduction in usage of coal.Mr Williams ...

(1 pages) 30 0 4.5 Jun/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management

An inview into the South Wales fire service quality control inspection, outcomes and recomendations.

revious Recommendations 牋牋牋牋1Introduction1.1 ThePrincipal Inspection of South Wales Fire Service was conducted between August andSeptember 1999 and included a formal visit ... cers of the District Audit Service and the Health &Safety Executive is also acknowledged.1.2 TheSouth Wales Fire Authority includes representatives from the ten unitary authorities ofBlaenau Gwent ...

(38 pages) 137 0 4.6 Jun/2004

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Government

'Risings which occurred because of economic hardships; politics had nothing to do with the matter' The Merthyr rising of 1831 and the Newport rising of 1839.

s bills and statutes can adversely affect a defined population, such as the coal and ironworkers of South Wales, and set into motion a movement that politically changes the country. The risings that o ...

(8 pages) 35 0 0.0 Mar/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

What does this source tell us about the nature of the iron industry in Merthyr at this time? (sorry source unavailable in electronic form)

This document is a journal of the tour of J H Manners through North and South Wales and was written around the year 1805.He was an English aristocrat who was the youngest s ...

(4 pages) 23 0 4.0 Mar/2006

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

Human Resource Management and Pirelli General

egy adopted by the by that Pirelli General for their new computer- integrated manufacturing unit in south Wales. While writing this assignment different and multiple models of HRM have been used for e ... may not fit exactly to their new personnel policies undertaken, while developing their new plant in south Wales but the models used for analysis and evaluation are those of the closest match found, ev ...

(9 pages) 52 0 5.0 Jan/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Henry Vaughan

civil war in which Vaughan briefly took the King's side. Vaughan had served on the Royalist side in South Wales sometime in the year 1645.2 After the war, in 1646, Vaughan returned to his studies and ...

(11 pages) 5076 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

“Lamb to the slaughter” by Ronald Dahl

aracter engages in to prevent her incarceration. Roald Dahl was born and raised in Llandaff, south Wales on September 13, 1916 to two Norwegian parents who loved him greatly. When he was three ...

(2 pages) 2842 0 1.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

To what extent has social class been replaced by o

d to have replaced social class when analysing voting behaviour. There has been a traditional North South split in the UK between Labour and Conservative for many years. Since 1970 support for parties ... swung purely on a national scale but between regions as well, for example, Scotland for Labour and South West and East for Conservative. In the 2001 General election Labour received 82% of votes in S ...

(2 pages) 15 0 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science

An essay on NSW bushfires in 1994

From Saturday 1 January to Saturday 15 January1994, New South Wales experienced its mostdevastating bushfires on record. There had been aprolonged El Ni&nti ... g bushfires on record. There had been aprolonged El Niño event Ð much of the coast ofNew South Wales had endured an extended periodof below average rainfall. This had resulted indrought con ... nswere evacuated Ð some more than once. Morethan 200 fires raged over large areas of coastalNew South Wales, from Tweed Heads in thenorth to Ulladulla in the south, and many ofthese were started b ...

(2 pages) 2006 0 0.0 Jul/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Earth Sciences > Geography

Industries – Industries in the South Wales Valleys

eferences:Used "Wider World" GCSE Geography Text Book by David WaughUntil the Mid Nineteen Century, South Wales were known for its natural beauty. Artist found the valleys an ideal place to paint, but ... men also found it an ideal place – but for industries. The industrial revolution converted the South Wales Valleys into the world’s factory of coal and iron ore. The raw materials on the val ...

(2 pages) 1344 0 3.0 Feb/2009

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science