Essays Tagged: "World War one"

Art from Marcel Duchamp all the way to Andy Warhol

n the early 1950's many things had and where just about to begin. The war had just finished and the world of art was opening new forms such as dada and pop art. There was also people staring to experi ... rt and writing, such as the beatniks. The likes of Marcel Duchamp and how the politics and anger of world war one became the base on a movement called DADA. Then Pop art and Andy Warhol not to think a ...

(7 pages) 187 1 2.3 Nov/1996

Subjects: Art Essays > Music History & Studies > Performers & Composers

Blacks in German History

an promptly at one. The keyspeaker was a black native German. He was an old man who had livedthroughWorld War One. The speaker although not very fluent in english got his messageacross. Hebegan ... ibia, Tanzania, etc. Many blackmalessettled in Germany permanently and established families. During WorldWar oneFrance used black soldiers. Germans used this fact to spread propagodaabout black.Distru ...

(1 pages) 26 0 3.7 Apr/1997

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Black Awareness & Racism

Russian Women Soldiers During World War I

In almost every age and era and virtually every area of the world women have engaged in combat, partly with the knowledge and consent of the military authoritie ... into the army. Statistics concerning the number of female soldiers in the various armies during the World War were not published; we have to rely upon speculation it is true that there were women sold ... have to rely upon speculation it is true that there were women soldiers fighting for Russia during World War One. The creation of several women's units to fight on the front lines to try to prevent d ...

(6 pages) 53 0 3.0 Dec/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Defining Moments in the Canadian History.

athave changed the way Canadians live today. The battle of Vimy Ridge, the lifeon the home front in World War One, the invasion of D-day, and the impact ofimmigration were the most important defining ... .Vimy Ridge is now called a Canadian Milestone. It was one of the notablemoments because it brought world recognition and a strong sense of patriotismtowards Canada. The battle of Vimy Ridge took plac ...

(5 pages) 127 3 4.2 Jan/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History > Canadian History


Hitler's MistakesOne of the biggest questions of World War 2 had to have been, was the lose of the war a result of one big mistake or many mistakes b ... he powerful Americans and the side switching of Italy it was inevitable that the Germans would lose World War Two I just think that the mistakes he did make quickened the German lose and leaded to his ... aded to his demise. Hitler who brought Germany back to the top of European powers after the lose of World War One did many great things for Germany but in the end he was too much like all the other gr ...

(5 pages) 136 2 4.2 Jan/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History > German History

A look at the moral crisis of the 1920s - specifically: prohibition, fundamentalism, and the new women known as "flappers".

After World War One was over, everyone was happy that they could go back to their country in peace. Everyo ... ther the possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages." (Kuzirian 178) Of course, (in a perfect world) this would've ended drinking completely, but that was just a side effect.During the 1920's an ... rofiting of these groups because of nationalistic views. The fact that Germany was our enemy during World War I was the biggest problem, though. "Why allow disloyal German-Americans to run their brewe ...

(5 pages) 174 0 3.7 Jan/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

Exposure. In Wilfred Owen's poem 'Exposure' what techniques does he use to convey his hatred towards war? Explain in detail all of the techniques he uses to do this.

Exposure by Wilfed OwenA poem written by the World War One poet, Wilfred Owen, is 'Exposure'. This poem is set out to show the reader what the co ... ure'. This poem is set out to show the reader what the conditions were really like during the First World War and to make it clear that the events that surrounded him, were not pleasant. In this essay ... s physically hurting them by giving them sore heads. We can assume that they are in a trench during World War One and there are flares going off around them. They are all awake because of the silence, ...

(8 pages) 76 0 4.6 Feb/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

"Life in the Trenches" This essay gives a description of life in the trenches in WW1 and talks about how the government prevented the public from knowing the truth about the conditions.

World War One, also known as the Great War, was a war that would change all wars. Never in the histo ... en a war fought in such a manor, and it would change the way all wars that followed it were fought. World War I was expected to be a relatively short war, as those in the past had been, and a war of g ... published until after the Armistice.So although the conditions for the men who fought in the First World War were horrific, the public did not realize the sacrifices that had been made for their free ...

(7 pages) 72 0 4.6 Mar/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Choose three contrasting poems that you feel show the difference in the attitudes and experiences of those people who were part of World War One.

that you feel show the difference in the attitudes and experiences of those people who were part of World War One. Analyse them in relation to how they demonstrate the experiences and feelings towards ...

(8 pages) 100 0 4.8 Mar/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Was the fall of the Habsburg Empire Inevitable.

f the demise of Austria-Hungary simply a war too great for the empire to sustain (that of the first world war)? These are questions which really can be argued either way. In his article, "The Healthy ... : How Doomed the Habsburg Empire?", Joachim Remak maintains the position that in fact it was merely World War one which managed to destroy Austria-Hungary.One of the first of many convincing points pu ...

(4 pages) 35 0 4.3 Mar/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > European History

essay concerning the causes of world war one

WAS THE FIRST WORLD WAR PLANNED ORTHE RESULT OF ACCIDENT AND MISCALCULATION?In the immediate view, it seems that t ... e immediate view, it seems that there are two main arguments attributed to the origins of the First World War. One is that the war was planned, the other that it occurred due to accident and miscalcul ... uropean powers at the time - Germany, Great Britain, France and Russia.It is my view that the First World War was effectively planned, all be it for a later date, and that due to some miscalculations, ...

(11 pages) 310 3 4.4 Mar/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Was Hitler alone the cause of world war two?- essay title summerised answer: only partly, due to other reasons such as the Treaty of Versailles, The Great Depression and more.

While there is much debate in the historical community about the actual causes of World War II, about who was responsible, what might have prevented it, or what exactly went wrong, t ... of such an enormous event? This essay will explain why it was not Hitler alone that caused the 2nd World War.One of the major causes of the War was the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles ... y. It was an insult, which the Germans could not overcome, and was to be one of the major forces of World War II. Many who were against the Weimar government from the start, and later the Nazi party i ...

(2 pages) 112 2 4.7 Mar/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

Poets of the first and second world war.

War PoetryThe lives and writings of world war poets.ContentsIntroduction......................................................... Pages ... roduction......................................................... Pages 2,3A retrospective view of world war poets: world war two...Pages 4,5Introduction to world war one poets....................... ... iography..........................................................pages 15Introduction:The last two world wars were unique in our history, not least for the cultural shock inflicted on the whole of ou ...

(18 pages) 198 0 4.1 Mar/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Trench Warfare: Characteristics of Life in the Trenches, and how propaganda played a role in trench warfare

World War One was a horrific event. The number of known dead has been placed at about 10,000,000 men ... r of known dead has been placed at about 10,000,000 men. The main method of combat during the first world war a.k.a. the Great World War, was trench warfare. Trench warfare was one of the main reasons ... iers, from enemy bombshells dropping in their vicinity. With the exclusion of trenches in the First World War, many soldiers would have perished as a result of being pierced by shrapnel from bombshell ...

(5 pages) 113 1 4.6 May/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

"Journey's End" by R.C Sherriff.

's End show the effects of war on themen involved?Journey's End is a play about British soldiers in World War One, and the effects the war has on them, both physically and mentally. The play explores ... Raleigh will tell his sister about his drinking habit, and seeing a familiar face from the outside world has rattled him because he is so used to the routine of war. After Osborne, whom he was very c ...

(7 pages) 21366 0 5.0 May/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama

Was Hitler alone to blame for the outbreak of WWII? Causes and reasons.

While there is much debate in the historical community about the actual causes of World War II, about who was responsible, what might have prevented it, or what exactly went wrong, t ... of such an enormous event? This essay will explain why it was not Hitler alone that caused the 2nd World War.One of the major causes of the War was the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles ... y. It was an insult, which the Germans could not overcome, and was to be one of the major forces of World War II. Many who were against the Weimar government from the start, and later the Nazi party i ...

(2 pages) 112 2 3.4 May/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War II

The World War one.

Brief information of world war oneWorld War One EssayWar. It has been around for years and has constantly changed the sha ... d the shape of the world. But one question that will still make you wonder is what caused the first world war? Sure the common answer would be the assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary,but ... y? What do they mean in this case?How did imperialism come to be one of the four deep causes of the world war? European nations argued over the possession of faraway colonies because they were economi ...

(5 pages) 66 1 2.6 May/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

World war one.

WORLD WAR ONE" The developed world was poised on the brink of war in 1911, with Britain and Germany ... ote while out in war for his country. His name was Kobra Bubbles. He had died at the war that ended World War 1 in honour and bravery. He was a good man, who loved his family dearly and will miss them ... I am so glad that you bought that radio before you left because now I know what is going on in the world. The people now say that Russia, France, and Great Britain have created a Triple Alliance. Rem ...

(21 pages) 149 0 2.8 Jun/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > World History > World War I

Accounts for the rise of the Ku Klux Klan in America in the 1920s.

nces into a barrage of support for the hooded order. Factors such as popular cultural revisionism , World War One and the ensuing changes to the traditional American way of life as well as the hatred ... causal factor of the reinvigoration of the Ku Klux Klan can be attributed to a delayed reaction to World War One, which exacerbated tensions between ethnic groups , prompted a rush of abhorrence towa ...

(9 pages) 163 1 3.9 Jun/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

About "oh what a lovely war" the play by joan littlewood

Littlewood and the Theatre Workshop takes a humorous and light-hearted walk through the history of World War One. The production brims with anecdotes, jokes, songs and dance, but we are never allowed ... iting for the next bomb to blow their heads off.' These were the words of Littlewood and her actors.World War 1 was responsible for the deaths of 10 million people, the equivalent of a twin tower disa ...

(2 pages) 38 0 4.5 Jul/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama