Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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Istanbul, the area which you can see mixed culture of Turkey, has a big problem about youth people and children lifes. Places are not well prepared for them. First of all, there is no place for children to play games because of that children are playing their games on streets. They don't have "wards friends" beliving. Also there is no place for youth people to meet. Lots of youth people are wasting their spare times with TV. On the other side, they are getting together on bad areas like pubs. Other problem for them is Cultural background of Istanbul is not distinct. Parents came from different cultures and they are living like being in their old cities or villages. So It is not letting to occur a "Istanbul Culture". So youth people and children are saying that they are from their parents' cities even if they were born in Istanbul. They are not accept "Istanbul Life" because of all those reasons. In conclusion, youth people and children lifes in Istanbul is a big problem, which is waiting a solution immediately.

Istanbul, the area which you can see mixed culture of Turkey, has a big problem about youth people and children lifes. Places are not well prepared for them. First of all, there is no place for children to play games because of that children are playing their games on streets. They don't have "wards friends" beliving. Also there is no place for youth people to meet. Lots of youth people Istanbul Culture". So youth people and children are saying that they are from their parents' cities even if they were born in Istanbul. They are not accept "Istanbul Life" because of all those reasons. In conclusion, youth people and children lifes in Istanbul is a big problem, which is waiting a solution immediately.