In The Princess Bride, the narrative hook comes within the first few pages of the novel when we find out that Westley, Buttercup's lover, will be going on a voyage to find his fortune. Buttercup tells him that she fears she will never see him again, enticing the reader. Soon after, Buttercup finds out that the Dread Pirate Roberts, who leaves no prisoners, took over Westley's ship. She is devastated by this, and even more so by the fact that she must now marry Prince Humperdinck, whom she does not love.
The rising action begins as Vizzini and his two henchmen, Fezzik and Inigo kidnap Buttercup. A man in black soon comes to her rescue, outsmarting Vizzini's crafty logic, Fezzik's massive strength, and Inigo's fencing skills in order to save her. Soon, it is revealed that the man in black is actually Westley.
The climax takes place when Westley is pronounced dead at the end of chapter six, making the reader believe that the ending of the story may not be a favorable one.
The narrator, William Goldman, interrupts the story here and recounts how his father explained that Humperdinck kills Westley. This portion of the story is very intense because the reader already knows that Westley could overcome almost anything in the name of love for his Buttercup. The reader is left wondering if he could, perhaps, overcome death as well.
After Westley is pronounced dead, the action is still tense as Inigo and Fezzik go to Miracle Max to bring him back to live for his noble cause of true love. Though Max performs the miracle only to get revenge on Prince Humperdinck. Inigo, Fezzik, and the cadaverous Westley enter Humperdinck's castle to stop the wedding. Basically, from Westley's death onward throughout the book is the climax, and...
The Princess Bride
I thought this essay was well written and very interesting. I read the book myself and agree with everything said. Good Job on this.
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