Brave New World _john The Savage

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade October 2001

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Cast Away John the Savage is doomed to fail in Brave New World because the society views his birthplace as primitive and the way he was born as grotesque. John grew up in the Savage Reservation, a place that is like the world we live in today. People still have "gross viviparous reproduction" (24), get married, have passion and real sexual relationships, unlike those of the Utopian society. In the Savage Reservation, all of these things surround John, and he knows them as the way of life. On the other hand, his parents, Linda and Tomakin, are both from the Utopian society. So, JohnÕs upbringing also included remnants of the life in the Brave New World. Either way, John doesnÕt fully fit in either society. The Savage Reservation hates him "because of his complexion" (117) because he has fair skin and light eyes, and yet he canÕt live in the other world because he hasnÕt been cloned in a lab, given a special caste, and been conditioned to believe what the Utopian ideals.

They have a "hatred of books and flowers" (20), but John really loves reading the Bible, Shakespeare, and other old books that are considered "pornographical" (231). This means that the society hates the gain of knowledge because they want their society to stay the same and stable forever. All of this inevitably shows that John the Savage was doomed to fail in either society because he just didnÕt fit in. Does this idea have any resemblance to the world we live in today? The answer is yes. We consider people that donÕt buy into our technology as savages because they choose to live more primitively.