This is a brief essay about Ernest Hemingway's short story, Big Two Hearted River. The essay is approximately 300 words long and discusses the underlying themes of Hemingway's story.

Essay by Demon_LordUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, March 2004

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Ernest Hemingway's Big Two-Hearted River is nearly an autobiographical short story. Like the main character Nick, Hemingway often took trips into nature to escape the bondage of civilization. There are a few references to the tension and anxiety that Nick is feeling as he begins his journey. First of all, Hemingway makes constant reference to the weight of the pack on Nick's back. One can get a feel for Nick's tension as he often stops to rest and makes mention of the pain in his back and shoulders. Hemingway also made form to follow content in that whenever Nick stands and climbs, his spirits are likewise rising. If he sits or descends, on the other hand, he is feeling badly about himself. Secondly, Nick's tension is portrayed in the fact that he has come on this nature hike to create his own utopia that he cannot find in civilization. Hemingway uses the repetition of the word "good" to mimic the Old Testament account of creation.

As Nick sets up camp, he assesses his situation, and call's it "good." His "good place" is almost a self-created heaven of sorts, a heaven of his creation away from the darkness and reality of civilization. At times, the swamp and river reflect Nick's tension. The cold, strong current works against Nick as he is fishing and the swamp intrudes upon his fishing, causing his line to get caught, thereby causing him to lose a trout. Nick also decides not to go into the swamp claiming that fishing in the swamp is a "tragic adventure." At another point, the swamp symbolizes Nick's inner anxiety as he observes the swamp to be an area bad for fishing with little sunlight. Hemingway's repetitive style of writing allows the reader to pick out the underlying themes easily. His...