Decompression Treatment

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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In the field of social work, a popular aspect researched is the study of juveniles in the correctional facilities. Rehabilitation in the correctional facilities is shown, as well as exploration of how youths feel about their correctional environment, experiences, and proper sanctions while imprisoned. Numerous incarcerated youths reported that their imprisonment were positive experiences, where they were able to learn life skills, rehabilitate through counseling, and battle bad habits in order to turn their lives around (Lane et al, 450). Some forms of research included true stories and the results on those incarcerated. From these accounts, some of those youths found that being incarcerated meant three meals a day, a bed to sleep on, and someone to give them hope that they can be a better person in the end (Neustatter, 12).

Another form of research in the literature that I read was done of the Decompression Treatment Model, which was used on severely aggressive juvenile offenders.

The article entitled "Efficacy of a Decompression Treatment Model in the Clinical Management of Violent Juvenile Offenders" by Michael Caldwell and Gregory Van Rybroek was found in the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. Research was done on the criminal recidivism, or relapse of criminal activity, and juvenile delinquent treatment programs effectiveness. "The concept of decompression treatment involves the development of clinical programming designed to gradually lift the individual out of the compressed cycle of extensive discipline or over controlled security measures (Caldwell, Van Rybroek, 471)." The results of the Decompression Treatment Model showed that the highly aggressive juveniles under observation were able to receive the help they needed effectively through the institutional setting. However, Caldwell and Van Rybroek did explain that there were limitations to their results, including the small sample size of only ten delinquents; as well as the...