
Essay by headhunchoA+, August 2009

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nUniversity of Phoenix—Baton Rouge CampusDelegation is a process that involves planning and patience to be effective and efficient. In order to delegate successfully, one would first decide what to delegate. Delegation increases managerial effectiveness in addition to stimulating the creative thought process within groups. Are group’s thoughts better than one individual is? When we delegate, we minimize the “one man show” competition and free up much needed time for managers to concentrate on large or more important matters. Most important, delegation gives lower-level employees a chance to grow.

“Delegation is perhaps the most fundamental feature of management, because it entails getting work done through others” (Bateman and Snell, 2004, p.250). Some requirements for understanding the fundamentals of delegating requires defining the goal, clear understanding of expected outcome, select a capable person in performing the task, welcome views or suggestion, the level of responsibility of the assigned task or authority level given, review progress and who is or should be held accountable.

In order to delegate we need to answer one question, what to delegate?A well-organized manager is equipped with reports, analysis, and the projected agenda for each business day. Selecting an task order or importance level on an assignment can help in the decision process of which task is the least important on up to the most important job to delegate; which can free up time for the most important or time-consuming projects, is why tasks and responsibilities to delegated should be taken into consideration.

Setting a clear understanding of the job done along with the proper authority to carry out the job is a key essential in delegating. If some levels of supervisor’s roles are given, try not to overstep this new given position and allow the delegated person the use of this authority in...