Discuss Mary Shelly's 'Frankenstein' in relation to Cixous. Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. Sorties by Helene Cixous. Includes Bibliography.

Essay by sazzleUniversity, Bachelor's May 2004

download word file, 7 pages 3.5

In her 1975 text; Sorties, Helene Cixous feminist, poetic and psychoanalytic approach to sexuality gives the reader a unique consideration towards masculinity and femininity. The threat against traditional sexual relations and the fear that men possess because of this are the main issues raised by the text. Theses issues are long-standing but were rarely discussed openly due to censorship. Evidence of this comes some 80 years earlier in the 1893 book Frankenstein written by Mary Shelly. Although there a number of readings for the novel, this essay shall concentrate; (like Marilyn Butler) on a 'life' interpretation. Unlike the work of Cixous, Frankenstein does not openly discuss sexuality but illustrates the hidden fears or issues surrounding society of that period.

The fictional story is told by a Victor Frankenstein to a group of sailors who find him. He begins his story of how he came to be, starting with his family and his move to Inglostadt to study after the death of his mother.

His interest in the human form grew and he sets about trying the create life from old human body parts and electricity; he finally succeeds but scares the monster into running away. The monster goes on to kill Victor's brother because of the way he tormented him and later kills Victors adopted sister/wife because Victor kills the mate that he promised the monster he would create. There are a number of different readings for this text; this essay shall be exploring the ideas of a sexuality reading extracting relevant points about Victor's life particularly the death of his mother and sister/wife. This novel creates a scenario in which human life is produced without the need for a womb, as Victor creates the life he becomes both mother and father but there is no woman involved. Could this...