Gender Equity For Highschool

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate April 2001

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Gender Equity Girls in high school today that want to play sports usually have some school team or some out-of-school team that they can play on. Girls are not always encouraged as much as the boys at a high school level but almost everywhere there is some form of a girls team. Most of the time the girls' teams do not receive as much funding as the boy's and the men's teams do. This is sometimes because there are not as many girls at that level that are that interested in sports, and sometimes it is because the people that run the league are not as interested in it as they should be. In schools this is probably more of a problem than in out of school leagues for girls. In schools there is usually one person that makes the final decision. If this person is gender biased, then either the boy's team will receive more funding and better uniforms or in few cases the girls team will receive more funding and the better uniforms.

Most of the time I would think that the reason for the girls team not receiving as much funding is because there are not as many girls that want to play a certain sport as there are boys that want to play the sport. In the last few years however, there have been more and more female athletes. Some of this I would think is because the girls at all levels are inspired by some of the players in the WNBA or in the women's professional soccer leagues. In the past, there have been times when there weren't any women's teams. I believe that teams at a high school level should receive funding and facilities according to the number of boys or girls that want to play the sports. If there are more girls that want to play a sport than there are boys that want to play a sport, then the funding should go to the girls' team and vice versa.