The Great Culinary Mysteries

Essay by jdm8021Junior High, 9th gradeA+, August 2004

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Murder mysteries are a huge, on-the-edge, kind of read. But when you add the delicacies of cookery, it makes it so much better. Diane Mott Davidson's series of culinary adventures provide intriguing voyages to another world if your home alone, or merely in search of a creative story. Many books have been created, in a long series following Goldy Bear-Schulz the caterer through her life. The three books that I have read are: Dying for Chocolate, The Cereal Murders, and The Last Suppers. The three books, in the earlier end of the on going series, recount their tales in chronological order. Published by Bantam Books, printed in the United States, these books are exciting and well written. Progressively from 1992 to 1994, each of these books was published in their own year. Each ranging from 272 to 335 pages, each one just as exhilarating and delicious as the next.

As I summarize this section of the series, I refuse to give away the endings to anything; the books are too amazing to be ruined by this report.

Goldy Bear the caterer is the first-person narrator for these books. Her point of view gives a broad idea of most details because of the character's personality. Although, murder mysteries are generally told in first person, in order to keep the mysterious, ignorant ideas that keeps you reading. The protagonist is Goldy Bear-Schulz, a prestigious caterer, presiding in Aspen, Colorado, who has a knack for solving murders that hit her life on a personal level. Her son Arch is there to support her, as is her boyfriend/fiancé Tom Schulz. Goldy Bear has a very admirable personality. I enjoyed reading about her, and being in her head as she goes through stages in her life. She is a very classy person, but...