Huckleberry Finn: How it expressed Mark Twain's pessimistic views on the South's social and governmental's system

Essay by DuVc2002High School, 11th grade January 2004

download word file, 4 pages 3.7

Mark Twain uses Huck in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to express his pessimistic views on Southern Society during the Reconstruction time period. He asserts his opinions on human values such as greed and racism and shows his ridiculing views on religion and government institutions. Twain obviously was dissatisfied with the overall ethics of humanity and cleverly used a teenage boy to state his disagreement with the South's moral principles.

One moral value that that Twain addressed was the greediness of Americans. Early in the story Huck is abducted by his greedy father. He only returned to get a piece of Huck's fortune. Also, while traveling on the Mississippi, Jim saw the dead body of Huck's father on the floating houseboat, but failed to mention it to Huck. "It's a dead man. Yes, indeedy; naked, too. He's ben shot in de back. I reck'n he's ben dead two er three days.

Come in Huck, but doann' look at his face-it's too gashly...Jicm throwed some old rags over him, but he needn't done it" (Twain 60). He was scared that if Huck were to have known his father died, he would return back home and snitch on Jim. This particular event showed the reader that even the most caring people have a little greed inside of them. The incident on the Walter Scott with the thieves also demonstrated the greed of man. When the robbers are about to leave, greed interrupted their escape. And when the robbers go back inside to get money they had left behind, Huck and Jim steal their raft and float away.

When Huck met two slave-catchers and lies to them that he has his smallpox infected father onboard, they immediately give Huck forty dollars to leave town. "Keep away, boy-keep to looard...Your pap's got the smallpox,