My Special Day

Essay by darya April 2006

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"When you both were married on the same day I born then why don't you invite me on your wedding, now remember, I will not invite you people on my wedding", the first time I angrily asked this to my dad on my second birthday when I could not even speak correctly. The same question I would ask my dad every birthday using the same words. The same answer I got with a kindly smile, "because you were new born and were so delicate to come". My birthday celebration was an amalgam of excitement, joy, and amusement, which was so uncommon. We would already know the menu before dad came to home with food and cake. The coffee cake from Bombay Bakery and "karai gosht (specially cooked meat)"was the family favorite. Dad bought the same cake on every child's birthday, which was used to cut at 12 o clock (midnight), as the birthday began.

My birthday is the same day as my parents' anniversary. On every midnight of April 21st, three of us cut the cake together by using one knife. My mouth would become like a balloon as both mom and dead put the cake in my mouth together. All the family members would enjoy the whole night by sitting together, and playing different games. Dad would tell stories and give us knowledge about the historical and current events, and then we gave our opinions about those events. We used to play was "kasoti". In this game, one team had to think about a well-known person and then the other team had to pick that person by asking ten questions (the questions had to answer yes or no). In this manner, his little games would help us gain a lot of knowledge about outstanding people of the world in...