Title: A Transition; the Growth of an Individual Texts Cited: "From Outside, In" by Barbara Mellix "Words Become Us" by Anne E. Imbrie

Essay by FizzalayCollege, Undergraduate March 2004

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Syntax is an arrangement of words that placed in the proper format, conveys a message to the world. It is very easy to type out a sentence, or write a paper based on the tools you are given from your teacher or professor, but to create your own style and "syntactically" arrange them is a whole new ballgame. Not only must one create their own style in writing, but in speaking as well. The arrangement in which you put your words reflect your personality and can boost your place in society, or ruin it. Two authors, Ann E. Imbrie and Barbara Mellix, tell their personal recollection of how their use of words evolved from borrowing to creating. Like a fine wine, syntax requires time, practice, use, age, and creativity to formulate ones own trademark technique.

"When you don't have words of your own, you can borrow somebody elses..." (Imbrie 1) says Ann E.

Imbrie author of "Words Become Us". Her story is one of finding oneself, and the consequences of being unable to. Her past involved Gordon, with whom she shared a passion for words and poetry. It was he who taught her how to take pleasure in other people's words. They both loved and quoted poets from the twelfth century to contemporary times. Imbrie went on to college and furthered her skills in writing, meanwhile Gordon dropped out of Oberlin numerous times before he permanently became the a college dropout. In Vietnam he was to war but he was exemplified from his duties to fight and did community service washing cars for the state. He purchased a little shack where he stayed for most of his lifetime which he remained for long time. When Imbrie finally had the chance to visit him he had been reduced to an absolute...