Essays Tagged: "Experiment"

Aspects of the practice of science that may prove useful, especially in decision-making

Just as a scientist conducts researches or experiments in order to arrive with a conclusion, ordinary people also go through some processes, so ... e would however give us some new points to consider. For one, there are such things as unstructured experiments. We have been accustomed with step-by-step experiments, those that strictly follow some ... ollow some sort of chronology. This however is not really the case since it cannot be helped for an experiment to actually cover more than one problem (and thus lead to several if not unintended disco ...

(3 pages) 39 0 3.0 Mar/2003

Subjects: Science Essays

Animal Experiments - Originaly written to be a speech infront of the class. Has lots of useful information thought not very efficient as an essay

Animal ExperimentsYou might not know this, but all over the world, many animals are dying as you read this. ... ls are dying as you read this.Not natural deaths, not peaceful deaths, but painful deaths caused by experiments. Once I finish telling you about it, you will realize how utterly disgusting this practi ... pain.This is only one example, the tip off the iceberg when it comes to the disgusting practice of experimenting on animals.Webster's dictionary states that the term "Vivisection" means:"(1) The cutt ...

(2 pages) 27 0 3.4 May/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Zoology

Animal Rights

ls are abused. The activists do not feel the need to put the animals through such pain. Many of the experiments are replicated also which causes an unneeded demand for animals to perform experiments. ... mand for animals to perform experiments. Experiments which have already been proven are still being experimented with.However, animal research is an integral part of today's society when thinking of h ...

(2 pages) 48 2 4.4 Jul/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

Animal Testing: Are we right to give them no rights? (supports animal testing)

nd time again with their outrageous protests attempting to abolish the use of animals in scientific experiments. They don't understand that it is crucial for scientists to carry out these experiments ... dures. There are numerous organizations, such as the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME), that are currently working to please these citizens by making sure there are no ...

(2 pages) 42 0 3.0 Jan/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays

Animal Testing: Are we right to give them no rights? (supports animal testing)

nd time again with their outrageous protests attempting to abolish the use of animals in scientific experiments. They don't understand that it is crucial for scientists to carry out these experiments ... dures. There are numerous organizations, such as the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME), that are currently working to please these citizens by making sure there are no ...

(5 pages) 93 0 4.7 Jan/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays

Animal Testing: Are we right to give them no rights? (supports animal testing)

nd time again with their outrageous protests attempting to abolish the use of animals in scientific experiments. They don't understand that it is crucial for scientists to carry out these experiments ... dures. There are numerous organizations, such as the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME), that are currently working to please these citizens by making sure there are no ...

(3 pages) 29 0 4.3 Jan/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays

Animal Testing Position Paper

19th century more organizations were formed, this time to protest the use of animals in scientific experimentation. In today's society groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA ... e as long as proper care is taken of them. As for more controversial issue like animal research and experimentation my views vary. A few years ago I felt that any research or experimentation on animal ...

(4 pages) 121 1 4.6 Mar/2005

Subjects: Science Essays

Against animal testing.

To some humans, animals are just there for experimentation. Scientists test various new products and lethal drugs on animals. A new animal righ ... rtment. The law requires no fatal drugs or new products are to be tested on animals. There are many experimenters across the world that the Animal Rights Department are trying to stop.Those people who ... In New Mexico, scientists had more than one hundred of beagles to inhale radioactive strontium. The experimental dogs eventually died with blood loss, fever, and skin irritation. These experiments do ...

(1 pages) 57 0 2.7 Aug/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Animal Testing

Attachment theory

feel anxious when that person is absent.Attachment theory has its origins in the observation of and experiments with animals. A famous series of experiments on infant monkeys by Harlow and Harlow demo ... w demonstrated that attachment is not a simple reaction to internal drives such as hunger. In these experiments, young monkeys were separated from their mother shortly after birth. They were offered t ...

(3 pages) 118 1 2.6 Jul/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

The Affect Of Exercise On Your Pulse Rate

The effect of exercise on pulse rate The aim of this experiment is to investigate what effect the intensity of exercise has on your pulse rate. I will se ... ce after the exercise has finished and the heart is able to pay off the oxygen debt.I will begin my experiment by measuring my pulse rate before any exercise and record it. Then I will walk up and dow ... lking 72 + 38 -30 -2 -6 0 0 Jogging 72 +63 -27 -18 -4 -10 -4 Running 72 +98 -44 -20 -6 -16 -10 This experiment has gone well and helped prove that your pulse rate increases as the intensity of exercis ...

(4 pages) 34 0 5.0 Jun/2001

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine


Antacid Aim: The aim of this experiment was to measure how much antacid in needed to neutralise some hydrochloric acid.Materials: ... 10 Mass of cup and antacid left =1.81g Antacid used = 2.06 "“ 1.81 = .25g Conclusion: In this experiment I gained knowledge of the use of antacid and how it works. I also witnessed an extreme co ... e scientific balance that proved very useful for my knowledge and also proved useful throughout the experiment.

(1 pages) 3009 0 0.0 Oct/2001

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry


Film Text Response No.1 Dr. Sayer's experiment at the Bainbridge Chronic hospital was far from a disastrous failure for all those concer ... cerned. Yet on the other hand I feel that it certainly wasn't successful either. Dr. Sayer's experiment was one that involved the taking of drugs and working with mentally disabled people. His ... ved the taking of drugs and working with mentally disabled people. His medical work before hand was experimentation that had nothing to do with people. This already put him in the deep end. His first ...

(2 pages) 1435 0 0.0 Oct/2001

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Analtical Chemist

Rutherford's Experiment Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to determine the number of hits made out of 10 ... t marbles.Results: Conclusion: My hypothesis was incorrect. There were only 33 hit out of 100. This experiment is very similar to the experiment done by Earnest Rutherford. In his experiment he used t ... ally the beams of light would bounce back, proving that an atom is not an just empty space. In this experiment we wanted to see it the bombarding marble, when rolled randomly would hit the target area ...

(1 pages) 1799 0 5.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry

The Art Of 0-day

confederate. The study placed the participants in a highly conflicting situation: to carry out the experiment involved hurting another person. The focus of study was the amount of electric shock the ... s the amount of electric shock the subject was willing to give to another person when ordered by an experimenter to give the victim a shock. The learner(confederate) was strapped into "˜electric ...

(4 pages) 10 0 0.0 Dec/2001

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Animal Experimentation

The Right Of Experimentation When looking at the history of animal research, it can be said that animal t ... r models and cell cultures can be used instead of a live animals they should be used. Animal experimentation should be a last resort when there isn't an alternative to testing a drug or product ... cruel to let a fellow human being suffer because of the lack of research allowed to be done. Animal experimentation has played a crucial role in virtually all medical advances and has made many cosmet ...

(3 pages) 29 0 5.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Humanities Essays


The debate regarding the use of animals in experiments has come under increasing public and political attention throughout the 1980?s and 1990? ... y all sectors of society. There are many arguments for and against the use of animals in scientific experimentation most of which revolve around both practical and ethical issues.There are many argume ... und both practical and ethical issues.There are many arguments, which support the use of animals in experiments. According to Cardwell (1996) animals are studied simply because they are fascinating to ...

(9 pages) 95 0 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy

Animal Experimation Position Paper (Against)

Animal Experimentation/Vivisection There are many scientific labs in the world that have animals in ... eprived, burned, chemically injected, amputated, tortured half-dead animals. Vivisection (as animal experimentation is sometimes called) is extremely popular among scientists. They think that it's the ... ly realize what they're doing. Though they know they're putting live puppies on grills to test burn experiments, is it possible that they really understand what they're doing? Animal experimentation f ...

(3 pages) 25 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Animal Experimentation Ethics Paper

Animal experimentation has been an extremely controversial subject for years. Whether or not it is moral vs ... moral vs. whether or not it is essential is explained throughout the pros and cons. Although animal experimentation is the most common, there are many other different methods to scientific experimenta ... as declined from 20 percent to about 50 percent" (Weakly Reader Publication). The history of animal experimentation shows that there is hope for better alternatives to animal testing that will one day ...

(7 pages) 40 0 5.0 Dec/2009

Subjects: Science Essays > Biology

Neutralization in Acids and Bases

Discussion:Experiment A was the experiment that followed the recipe. After making observations, the cupcake was ... was deemed the equalizer, with which each other cupcake would be compared to.The hypothesis for Experiment B was as follows; the cupcake will be less moist, the taste will be bitterer, and the cup ... be less moist, the taste will be bitterer, and the cupcake will not rise as much as the cupcake in Experiment A due to the lessened affects of neutralization upon the sodium bicarbonate. The actual o ...

(3 pages) 0 0 0.0 Oct/2013

Subjects: Science Essays > Chemistry


ater. Different results were given out.Errors:The errors that we made are that we didn't repeat the experiment over and over again. If we would it would give us different results and our hypothesis wo ... is would have been correct.Lesson learned:What I learned is that all pennies were different in this experiment and so are humans. We are all different and we do have different measurements in our own ...

(2 pages) 0 0 0.0 Oct/2013

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays