Essays Tagged: "Osama bin Laden"

A detailed four page paper entailing the properties of Power (ie. ways to exert it, who has it and how to maintain it, etc.)

cisions. It is probably safe to say that after September 11 most Americans felt very hostile toward Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist army. However, after the initial retaliation from our government, ...

(4 pages) 125 1 4.0 Apr/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science > Political Theory

Beyond the Storm, Book Review. Take 2. Sorry, this is the text of the paper that was missing before. My apologies. -AoE Note: Footnotes missing, Orig is an attachment.

ragedy of September 11, and the full assault of the American military upon the terrorist network of Osama bin Laden, the most argued conflict still lingered in the minds of the world--particularly the ...

(7 pages) 181 1 4.8 Aug/2002

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History

Osama vs. US

Though the jihad declared by Osama Bin Laden against the United States can be seen as a conflict in many different angles, I feel ... r in Afghanistan, sparked by the U.S., resulted in several Islamic Fundamentalist groups, including Osama Bin Laden's network, the Al Qaeda. America's plan of having the Muslim community declare jihad ... of their country... The country has been torn on too many levels of conflict." (Norton 56) However, Osama's jihad on the US, is deeply rooted in the macro-level presented in Huntington's definition. A ...

(4 pages) 173 0 4.2 Nov/2002

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues

This work is basically a critical review of Bergen's book: Holy War Inc. but it is also a good source to aid a student in his/her research of US international policies, oil, etc.

eter L. Bergen's attempts to uncover the events, individual players and political factors that lead Osama Bin Laden to grow to be the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks against the United States ... e course of his book, Bergen investigates the crucial proceedings that facilitated the evolution of Osama Bin Laden's Islamic extremism, following him from his beginnings in Afghanistan to his eventua ...

(9 pages) 169 2 4.6 Jan/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics > Economic History

Basic Religion: Short Essay

is not true. Today and throughout centuries we've seen the misuse of God. Today we have people like Osama bin Laden, Louis Farakahn, David Koresch and many others who use God to propagate racism and h ...

(1 pages) 38 0 3.0 Mar/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith

Legal and Illegal Immigration in the U.S. A Persuasive essay on why the United States needs to improve security its borders.

estroyed everyone immediately thought of terrorist's. Later United States intelligence linked it to Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden had his people from his army come to the United States and get informatio ...

(1 pages) 203 0 2.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Middle East Opinion Paper.

in fear of any other dangers yet to come by future terrorist attacks and the safety of our nation. Osama Bin Laden, a known terrorist, has been considered to be a prime suspect of the 2001 attacks th ...

(3 pages) 122 2 5.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: History Term Papers > North American History

The role of women in afghanistan during reconstruction.

s of civil war. In 1994, the Taliban took control of the nation, but after supporting terrorism and Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, they too were removed from power in the year 2001. Meetings were ...

(3 pages) 63 0 5.0 Apr/2003

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Civil Rights > Women's Studies

Abortion Clarified.

han in today's civilization. They would use examples such as September 11. The terrorist actions of Osama Bin Laden and his organizations have been punished and continue to be punished through nothing ...

(6 pages) 38 0 5.0 May/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues

Islam, Osama bin Laden, Priciples of Islam.

After reading information on the Islam religion, I can understand how Osama Bin Laden has convinced so many Muslims that what they are doing is right and just. The Islami ...

(3 pages) 128 1 3.3 Jun/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith > Islam

Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, and the Taliban.

Osama Bin LadenOsama Bin Laden is both one of the worlds most wanted men and a hero in the Arab worl ... ions sanctions have now been imposed on the country for their treatment of women and the housing of Osama Bin Laden and his followers, this even lessons the chance for the recognition the try for. Eve ...

(2 pages) 151 2 3.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues

9/11 - An Indians Outlook .

itself. And one more reason to this helplessness is that, the most dreaded and wanted man on earth, Osama Bin laden , might be planning yet another attack on the US of A. Yet another reason of the Sep ...

(1 pages) 46 1 2.8 Jan/2004

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Biography of Saddam Hussein

Saddam HusseinSaddam Hussein is thought of to be one the most evil men in the world next to Osama bin Laden. Yet, in his country of Iraq, he is believed to be very beloved by the people of his ... ns of mass destruction and is trying to remove all traces of these weapons before he lets anyone in.Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein are two of the most nefarious villains in the world. Some think t ...

(3 pages) 32 0 3.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: History Term Papers > Middle Eastern History

A parrallel between HUAC and the Crucible

f God, as the ones who planned them say (all the wars among different religions and, more recently, Osama Bin Laden). It is well known that the "big names" of these crimes had a very strong ability to ...

(10 pages) 61 0 4.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

George W. Bush failed the American people on the international stage and ruined U.S. foreign policy.

because Clinton did not "do enough" on the war on terror. The truth is, Clinton had a plan to catch Osama bin Laden, and it was Bush who scrapped the plan at the beginning of his presidency. Bush mere ...

(4 pages) 145 0 4.3 Apr/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science > Specific Policies

An essay on the opposing views of columnists, Beth Quinn and Douglas Cunningham, on the 2004 Presidential Election.

ucation, health care, Medicare, soldier and veteran care, the national deficit, and the response to Osama bin Laden's attack on the United States. For example, Quinn indirectly states that Bush believ ...

(2 pages) 16 0 5.0 Oct/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Political Science > Politicians

Perspective Taking

Osama Bin Laden is both one of the worlds most wanted men and a hero in the Arab world. He is linked ... e those horrific attacks.One of the six, or all of the six psychology's perspective can explain why Osama Bin Laden acted the way he did. Whether it was behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, socialcultur ... hether it was behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, socialcultural, psychoanalytic, and/or biological, Osama Bin Laden acted in a way that devastated millions of people.

(3 pages) 68 2 4.0 Oct/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Analysis of George W. Bush's 9/11 Speech to Congress

and the Pentagon building in Washington D.C. The terrorists, affiliated with Al Qaeda, were led by Osama bin Laden. On September 20th, nine days after the attack on the country, President George W. B ...

(4 pages) 49088 0 5.0 Mar/2005

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Government

Benefits of the Teleological theory of morality

ity? In brief, morality is a basic set of principles that people follow. A perfect example would be Osama Bin Laden, a man that believes completely in what he does, and does it to his best. He has his ...

(5 pages) 81 0 0.0 May/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Comparative Philosophy & Ethics

9/11 Reaction Paper.

ay that will live in infamy. I do not know how someone could murder all those people. In my opinion Osama bin Laden and President George W. Bush were both responsible. The obvious reason for saying Os ... aming this ordeal partly on President Bush is that he was briefed by the CIA on August 6, 2001 that Osama bin Laden was planning to attack America by hijacking airplanes, but did not do anything about ...

(1 pages) 31 0 3.0 Dec/2005

Subjects: Law & Government Essays > Military & International Conflicts & Security