Essays Tagged: "Tourism"

Was the Grand Prix Benificial for Melbourne

0 different countries is expected topump $50 million into the Victorian economy every year andboost tourism enormously.I along with the owners of seventy-two percent of hotels, motels,restaurants and ... erageof this event. This could convince people to come and visitMelbourne and would also be a major tourism boost.Approximately $23.8 million has been spent overhauling thepark and upgrading the Lake ...

(2 pages) 37 0 4.6 Jan/1996

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers


y is flowing into casinos, the local business are beingaffected. Most are not thriving with the new tourism and the seemingly revived economy.In 1994 more people made the trip to a casino then to a ba ...

(2 pages) 121 1 4.5 Dec/1996

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Country Report on Jamaica and one of its policies.

nt of the people being Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, or Hindu.Jamaica's economy revolves greatly around tourism, the island's largest earner of income. The Gross Domestic Product of this relatively develo ... c Product of this relatively developed country in U.S. dollars for 2000 was $7.4 billion2. Of that, tourism and its related services made up 62 percent. Industry, agriculture, forestry and fishing rou ...

(7 pages) 90 0 3.5 Nov/2002

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

How casinos work and how they benefit the enconomy.

y is flowing into casinos, the local business are beingaffected. Most are not thriving with the new tourism and the seemingly revived economy.In 1994 more people made the trip to a casino then to a ba ... of the people that willcome to visit the casinos, from Canada or the United States and encourage thetourism industry. Casinos are a good solution for many problems includingtourism and government fund ...

(5 pages) 114 0 4.0 Nov/2002

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Why has Hawaii's cultural identity been lost? It goes into some history of hawaii...has past and current stats on tourist pop.Im a senior but this paper would be better for a ninth or tenth grader.

st 21, 1959. Hawaii was considered "paradise". The state decided it would be a good idea to promote tourism. They believed it would help their economy. Instead it turned "paradise" into a very crowded ... tourists were greeted when arriving by cruise ships and jet planes. Between the years 1946 and 1956 tourism was multiplied by at least eight. Numbers went from a mere 15,000 to 134,000 a year. By 1960 ...

(1 pages) 56 0 4.7 Jan/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays

A short essay on the Impacts of Tourism on the Environment.

One of the most essential things for tourism to be successful in a particular place is the quality of the environment, both natural and m ... cessful in a particular place is the quality of the environment, both natural and man-made. However tourism involves many activities that have a negative effect on the environment. These occur when th ... occur when the level of usage is bigger than the amount of caring for the environment. Uncontrolled tourism is threatening many natural areas around the world. It can put great pressure on an area, an ...

(3 pages) 41176 4 4.5 Mar/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Environmental Science

Low Cost Airlines.

Tourism in all cases plays a big part in the Airline Industry. For numerous years tourism has been o ... s also been an "impressive growth in air passenger and cargo traffic in the last decade in merit to tourism and business trips. The Airline Industry is "an extraordinary undertaking, with contrasts an ... ess travellers. "Package holidays are organized trips of predetermined activities involving several tourism services; these types of holidays are usually sold in advance at a fixed price." (Vellas, F. ...

(7 pages) 518 1 3.9 Apr/2003

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays > Travel Descriptions

Do the benefits of tourism outweigh the problems it brings in its wake? Critically analyse

Tourism in LEDC's"Do the benefits of tourism outweigh the problems it brings in its wake?Discuss wit ... e developed countries. In order to fast track their way through the development process, LEDC's see tourism as a quick get-out clause. However, whilst foreign money can cause the improvement of infras ... ver, whilst foreign money can cause the improvement of infrastructure, there are many problems that tourism brings in its wake, as Issa G. Shivji said: "Where in the 'Third World' has tourism brought ...

(5 pages) 127 1 4.6 Dec/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays

Technology's impact on Caribbean Ecnomies.

an economies. It has immensely improved economies of the Caribbean.Many Caribbean islands depend on tourism as an industry, and technology plays and integral role in boosting this industry. Technology ... achines. Technology has indeed fostered the enhancement of the tourist industry. Technology through tourism has aided in generating revenue for the islands. Technology has made the Caribbean known wor ...

(2 pages) 77 1 4.3 Dec/2003

Subjects: Science Essays > Computer Science

"When the traveller's risks are insurable he has become a tourist" Discuss the statement and explore the correlation between the technological innovation and growth of mass-tourism.

ng labour intensive, stressful and not always for the sake of seeking leisure to the modern type of tourism where one purchases a ready made package which includes all that is needed to travel and sig ... e) not be doing and can lead to environmental, social or even economical damages.The growth of mass tourism in the last century has affected many countries by above named damages.Another argument agai ...

(4 pages) 41 0 3.0 Jan/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Impact of Technology on Mankind and the Natural World

ortation; now it is possible to travel father than ever before. With this ease of travel, trade and tourism booms and has to created links around the world leading to co-operative programs like the Un ...

(3 pages) 101 0 4.3 Jan/2004

Subjects: Science Essays > Technology

The United States Of America

's society (where the people came from), it's daily life (how the citizens spend their day) and its tourism (who comes to visit and where do they go) is also very unique, and differs from the other co ... scinating and remarkable.The United States is one of the top countries that people like to tour to. Tourism is very big in this country. Many people go to the United States because of its warmth. A la ...

(4 pages) 103 1 4.0 Feb/2004

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Tourism Around Us

Tourism is one of the biggest issues that lie down upon us. People throughout the world find the bea ... People throughout the world find the beaches as one of the tourist cites. Modern employers believe tourism is a good thing, while families around that area, believe tourism is a bad thing. Every litt ... he way they approach the issue would be different than the way another person approaches the issue. Tourism bring huge amounts of profit for some people, while it also brings distractions for others. ...

(5 pages) 62 0 2.3 Mar/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Current Issues


k and soon to be our natural gasses which are produced in our country. Our various services such as Tourism (our Number One Product) Banking are not really considered as exports but they are considere ...

(4 pages) 99 1 3.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

Tourism in Cameroon, Greece and China. Why do so few people travel to Cameroon?

d its people issuing from a variety of backgrounds, this country has a lot to offer in the field of tourism, in terms of culture, landscape or nature.A little introduction or overview of this country ... al renown, like the Hilton, Hotel Ibis and Hotel Arcade. Apart from the availability of hotels, the tourism sector of the country has more than 78 suites, 70 apartments, 5754 rooms and more than 12,00 ...

(28 pages) 117 0 3.8 Apr/2004

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

The Planned Economy VS. The Free Market Economy

per month, but it is all that is needed, countries like Cuba get most of their countries money from tourism, and still have fairly good public education, a good transport system and it is said that th ...

(1 pages) 136 1 2.7 Apr/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics

Drought and the Australian Economy-

ected due to the severe drought and other world issues including; SARS, terrorism uncertainties and tourism down turn.The following are some negative and positive effects on the Australian economy dur ... even with the impact of the drought, weak world demand, the SARS epidemic and security concerns on tourism.Positive forecast economic growth and inflation remained low.A survey by Brad and Dunnstreet ...

(2 pages) 37 1 3.0 Jul/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Economics

Tourism Economic Development & planning

Tourism Economic Development & planningAt the end of the 20th century, global tourism activity h ... ctivity has been estimated to be worth US$ 3.5 trillion (Sharpley et al, 2002). As the figure shows tourism has had a major impact on the world economy, consequently, it has been adopted by many third ... quently, it has been adopted by many third world countries striving for development. This idea that tourism is good for the economy has increased the interest in developing, planning, government regul ...

(15 pages) 208 0 4.2 Oct/2004

Subjects: Area & Country Studies Essays

Issues Regarding Contracts

e an advertising campaign staging a false auction on eBay of the City of Bigtown, in hopes to boost tourism rates. Background information involving similar circumstances would be that of Leonard vs. P ...

(3 pages) 154 0 4.5 Feb/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Marketing Plan for Ministry of Tourism

1- Introduction:Syria has all the elements that are required to constitute a perfect climate for tourism. She's considered to be one of the world's largest natural museums with its various kinds of ... old world with few hours' flight from tourists exporting countries- namely Europe and the gulf area.Tourism in Syria has gone through pressing regional impacts since the uprising of our folks in Pales ...

(24 pages) 221 1 4.0 May/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing