Cock Masters And Why The Arent Cool

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate October 2001

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Austin was three years old, still in diapers and drinking from a bottle. He was spoiled rotten.

Sarah and Jennifer, Carlen's two daughters, treated Kim and I the way they treated each other, like sisters. They treated T.J. the same way they treated Austin, like the annoying little brothers they were.

It was a very strange weekend. I hadn't seen my dad in two years, that's a long time, especially if you're a daddy's girl like I was. My dad and brother were practically strangers and everyone else was.

When we got home my mom told how Jake had kept her up all weeked crying. He'd never been separated from any of us overnight before.

Eventually spending a weekend at Dad's became a regular ocurrence for Kim and I. T.J. wasn't wanted there by Carlen, so it was better for him to stay home once in a while.

The following Halloween, Kim, T.J.

and I were getting ready to go to Dad's for the weekend. T.J. started feeling sick so he stayed home. The next day my dad received a phone call from my mom.

Mom had taken T.J. into the doctor's for what she thought was an ear infection. T.J., who was barely three years old, was diagnosed with cancer.

T.J. was sent to Children's Hospital in Seattle for surgery and treatment. He spent 13 months in and out of the hospital with very few visits home. Kim, Jake and I started spending more and more time in Seattle with Mom and less and less time at home. We usually went to Seattle about two weekends a month. T.J. finished chemotherapy on November 12, 1993.

On November 13, 1993, Carlen went into labor and gave birth to my baby sister, Kyra. November 14 was Austin's birthday. The dumb ferret turned 5.

Christmas that year was happy day. It was the first Christmas that T.J. and my mom spent with Kim and I in two years. Christmas of 1991 we were at my dad's.

New Year's and my birthday