"MASTER HAROLD... and the boys" page notes

Essay by neffedoJunior High, 9th grade May 2004

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pg. 4:

boet = "brother" or "father"

kaffer = African term for "nigger"

pg. 5:

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers

(famous Hollwood dance team)

pg. 6:

Sarah Vaughn - American jazz singer

welfed = welfare

pg. 7:

hiding = beating

pg. 8:

Count Basie = leader of one of the most famous jazz bands

pg. 12:

bum = rear end

pg. 16:

naught = zero

pg. 24:

donkey's ears = many years

(pun on donkeys' ears)

pg. 25:

centified = certified insane

pg. 25:

Joe Lewis - 1938 heavyweight boxing champion

*Rita Hayworth - most famous "pin-up" in WWII*

-Struture of the Play-


pg. 10 - phone call # 1

from hospital

already happened

pg. 14 - phone call # 2

Hally calls home

pg. 18 - man of magnitude

ends pg. 23

pg. 23 - flashback

ends pg. 32

pg. 32 - phone call # 3

Hally's mother calls

pg. 33 - phone call # 4

Hally calls his mother back

pg. 43 - essay

ballroom dancing championship

event of cultural/historical significance

ends pg. 47

pg. 47 - phone call # 5

Hally's mom calls


Willie Significant Lines:

pg. 57- "You also hurt yourself."

pg. 57 - "He's little boy, Boet Sam, little white boy. Long trousers now, but he's still little white boy."

pg. 59 - "It's bad. Is all all bad in here now."