Essays Tagged: "many things"

Branch of philosophy: ethics on Aristotle

he argument because I agree anything that makes people happy are consider as good things. There are many things people aim for, but there is only one reason, it is to aim at happy. Good does not neces ...

(2 pages) 54 1 1.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy > Classical Philosophy

A charactor study of Cordelia from Shakespeare's KING LEAR

ere supposed to despise?·Or was she there to make us more aware of a crumbling society where many things were opposite to what one might think it should be, with evil generally prevailing over ... generally prevailing over the good (which to some degree is prophetic to today's society)?There are many theories surrounding this character in particular, and no one has reached a definitive conclusi ...

(4 pages) 73 2 4.6 Jan/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Authors > Shakespeare

Teach Me Violence

uman being to learn to deal with it's knowledge with thought and action, resulting in a learning of many things, including violence. When a human is attacked or feels threatened by something, the quic ... n order to remain safe is to act with violence to destroy or end the threat. Humans live in fear of many threats and "one hates what one fears..."(Anton Szandor LaVey) so, the first instinct of a huma ...

(2 pages) 23 0 2.7 Apr/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays

The Story A and P

be hard from now on but he does not care because Lengel embarrassed the girls. Summaries leave out many things such as the setting, character description, and the tone of the story. The settin ... ummary is a substance in condensed form, which means when making a summary the writer may leave out many elements of the story that one could find beneficial. When someone is reading an entire story t ...

(3 pages) 31 0 1.0 Aug/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Needs Assessment Paper

in high frequency devices such as transformers, inductors, and other related assemblies. There are many processes that need to be improved, but an important one is to provide the workforce with the r ... ments. These documents need to be used in partnership with the production build print.There are many things to consider in order for this to happen. The team must realize that it is cheaper to ch ...

(4 pages) 814 0 5.0 Feb/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management > Management Planning & Decision Making

Country Risk and Strategic Planning Analysis Paper: Target

Many U.S. company's are looking to become part of the global market by either building in foreign co ... omplex network of regulations, permissions, procedures and authorities with approval procedures for many things, which don't necessarily require approval in other countries. Many of these restrictions ... strong and profitable presence in Japan. Wal-Mart and Costco have been doing business in Japan for many years. Target's entrance into the market will give people more options and make the market more ...

(9 pages) 1266 2 4.7 Feb/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Regret-not apologizing to my cousin for a fight as a child and she passed away at a young age- "My Barbies"

oom the rest of the night, too afraid to face my cousin and tell her the truth.How much I regret so many things from that night. I never apologized. I also never told anyone this story, until about a ...

(2 pages) 1613 0 0.0 May/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Chronicles of Continuation

lm, computers, medicine, or anything else in the last century have helped and benefited mankind for many things. Although these technologies have done so much for humans, they cannot take the place of ... tory is told then they make it there own. The power they possess to tell a good story can transcend many things to them as a storyteller and to their audience as listeners of that story. What the anci ...

(11 pages) 82 0 4.5 Jun/2007

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama

Report on Drink Driving and Driver Fatigue; statistics, current laws, risks/hazards and costs (mental, physical and financial)

hat you aren’t affected or will soon be affected by alcohol. Alcohol, being a depressant, does many things to the body such as slowing the brain down, reducing judgment ability, greater confidenc ... limit applies. A BAC of 0.05 is applied to all other licences not subject to 0.02 or zero.There are many risks, which are put into perspective when you drink and drive. The main risk being: Will you g ...

(3 pages) 1921 0 3.0 Jun/2007

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

Defining Marketing

ling the product or service which includes where it's going to be advertised and sold. Marketing is many things combined in one package that needs to be done prior to, during, and after advertising an ... "tribal truths" behind Starbucks' success:1.The idea of trying to be the best, not the biggest. So many companies have these goals to be the biggest whatever, when they should probably concentrate on ...

(5 pages) 158 0 5.0 Jun/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing

"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck

Have you ever thought about what causes people to be cruel to others? There are many things to make other people mad or make them not like them like their race, nationality, color, ... cause someone might be stupid you would never know if he/she is the smartest person. As you can see many people judge or made comments about how the person's appearance is. Like they say "Don't judge ... ppearance, and actions as a form of discrimination. Wherever you go you'll see cruelty happening in many ways. Just because someone is cruel to you doesn't mean you have to do the same. So what really ...

(4 pages) 2514 0 0.0 Jun/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Authors > John Steinbeck

Retailing : Learnings of an intern

m, on the floor, our achievements & some real incidents on the floor.Till now we have learnt so many things from our team-members about all the brands, some technical knowledge & selling skill ... initial stage for the new business opportunities.Challenges1.Operating a store in an airport brings many challenges foreign to a mall or downtown location.2.The airport is open 365 days a year. It's a ...

(11 pages) 44 0 5.0 Jul/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Marketing


ttle things that we get to enjoy because we are free.Most of our lives depend on freedom. There are many things that you wouldn’t be able to do if you didn’t have freedom.Another thing that ...

(1 pages) 11 0 3.0 Jul/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Andy Warhol: A review of His Time Capsules - Shown at the National Gallery of Victoria: Andy Warhol exhibition

What is the meaning of time? Time means many things to me. But the most appropriate description I often say is that time is the period of ev ... d this, ultimately, forced him to become an artist that put him on the equal footing of Picasso and many other artists.Warhol selected his subject matter from amongst images already present in popular ... if the artworks contained any meanings or not.The other things contained within these capsules were many letters and postcards from people: his family, friends, and anonymous individuals who wanted to ...

(7 pages) 42 1 4.8 Jul/2007

Subjects: Art Essays > Artists

Compare and contrast two of the following and examine what they reveal about the nature of human existence: Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" and "The World of the Matrix"

nce. It is what it means to be or become a human, to exist and emerge in this world. It consists of many things, like choice, freedom or maybe what defines us as humans.In the allegory of the cave, a ... ;The One”, but he refuses to believe them. Then, they seek to convince him of it and they meet many others, including the Oracle and the agents. Until one day, Neo is finally “awakened” ...

(7 pages) 31 0 4.0 Aug/2007

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy

For This I am Thankful

d. He has always looked out for me and taken care of me. He has taught me most of what I know about many things. Building, survival, computers, and much, much more. He has fixed up our property and de ...

(2 pages) 1538 0 0.0 Sep/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Creating a strong relationship

There are many things that can help towards building a strong and secure relationship, but the most important ...

(1 pages) 10 0 0.0 Sep/2007

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Ancient Greek Contributions to the Modern Western World.

The foundation of many things in the Western world come from Ancient Greek civilization. Many philosophies, sports, ar ... om where the Hippocratic Oath stems) is often referred to as the ‘father of medicine’ and many medical treatments have their origins in Ancient Greece. Of course, procedures now have been re ... Greece hosted the very first Olympic Games, which of course are still held today every four years. Many of the sports found in the modern day Olympics either closely resemble or are the same as those ...

(1 pages) 27 1 3.5 Sep/2007

Subjects: History Term Papers

Importance of Health Education

not be appreciated and applicable today, but the knowledge gained will help us down the road. While many things continue to change as far as knowledge, the basic concept of health will always be const ... stant. Things may change, but the idea that health is vastly important to life will never die.While many college students may not realize that their health today impacts their life tomorrow, a basic h ...

(2 pages) 45 2 3.0 Oct/2007

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

"Sam Walton: Made In America" by Huey, John, and Sam Walton.

AbstractSam Walton, the entrepreneur behind the Wal-Mart retail chain, has worked hard and impacted many lives throughout the years. From his early days delivering newspapers to later owning several B ... n the community, and so on. Sam was a very active person reaching out to anyone he could. There are many things that I admire about Sam Walton, many of them being his influential leadership traits. Sa ...

(15 pages) 25 0 5.0 Oct/2007

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers