Essays Tagged: "Mother"


m coma wondering what had happened to me. "I am going to die, what have I done to myself." "Does my mother know?" She will kill me. "I am so SCARED!"Most kids my age, who only had their grandma and gr ... ids my age, who only had their grandma and grandpa never knew what it was like to have a great-grandmother. Not only was she the best great grandma but she also played the role of a mother. To me I co ...

(4 pages) 60 1 4.0 Feb/1997

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol


Everyday there are pregnant mothers who abuse drugs and alcohol totally ignoring the living, growing person inside them. Then, w ... of day. Which leads to my position that the rights of the child should be extended to the unborn. A mother should not have the right to use drugs or drink alcohol while she is pregnant, it is unfair f ... while she is pregnant, it is unfair for the child not to even have a chance for a normal life.If a mother beat her baby and was reported to the child welfare board they would be thrown in jail withou ...

(3 pages) 47 0 5.0 Jan/1997

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Drugs

Analysis ofthe play "Spring Awakening", by Frank Wedekind

e story. When trying to learn where children come from, the character Wendla naturally turns to her mother. Rather than even attempt to answer her daughter's question, Frau Bergman immediately succumb ... great for anyone of such an age.The harshest reality of the entire story lies in Wendla. After her mother's failure to share any knowledge with her, she is raped by Melchior. However, she was told th ...

(3 pages) 47 0 3.4 Mar/2003

Subjects: Art Essays > Drama

"The Adoption Papers" by Jackie Kay.

of identity. Kay's father was a black Nigerian visiting Edinburgh when he met Kay's white Scottish mother. After he returned to Nigeria, the mother discovered she was pregnant and decided to give up ... ees how adoption affects the three figures in significantly different ways. Kay expresses the birth mother's pain of giving up a child through the contained quatrains, which make the birth mother seem ...

(6 pages) 49 0 5.0 Sep/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Analysis of 'I Stand Here Ironing' by Tillie Olsen

I found the theme of "I Stand Here Ironing" to basically be Emily's mothers' responsibility for Emily's upbringing against what should be society's responsibility, or w ... t society shouldn't always be held responsible for how someone has been brought up. Was it only her mothers' fault or that of society as well, that Emily had such a troubled life and continued to expe ... o begin. The story was written in both the first person and third person. It seemed to me as if the mother can't see how badly Emily was being raised. After getting further into the story, it looked l ...

(6 pages) 230 0 3.3 Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

24 Hours by Greg Iles A letter to the antagonist, Joe Hickey

similar tragedy, I can sympathize with you in regards to the pain and heartbreak you felt when your mother died. My grandmother died as a direct result of a mistake that the hospital in which she was ... , I do not hold a grudge, for they were trying to do their job as best as they possibly could. Your mother's death was not caused by the hospital, and therefore I feel your anger towards Will unaccept ...

(4 pages) 36 0 5.0 Apr/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

An Analysis: Anne Stevenson

of Anne Stevenson's poem The Victory set a tone of conflict. This poem, at its surface, expresses a mother's thoughtson giving birth to a son. Stevenson describes the mixed feelings many mothers have ... ch as "antagonist" (5), "bruise" (6), and "scary"(13), she shows the darker side of childbirth. The mother has felt her own life's blood flowing that a stranger might live "The stains of yourglory ble ...

(3 pages) 27 1 3.0 Nov/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers


ential Elements of "I Stand Here Ironing"The theme of "I Stand Here Ironing" is essentially Emily's mothers' responsibility for Emily's upbringing vs. Society's responsibility - Who's fault is it that ... ies as an adult, and, what's the point of addressing that now? Since the story comes to us from the mother's point of view (the first person), it is skewed with bias. It is almost as if the mother can ...

(5 pages) 37 0 3.0 Apr/2005

Subjects: Humanities Essays

Anger: A Personal Narrative

g school, getting bad grades, and being sent to the principal's office, among other things. When my mother decided to try a new method of keeping me on track, I completely lost my cool.It was a typica ... es. It was at that moment that everything took a turn for the worse.While I was working, I heard my mother's voice projecting from the doorway, asking to sit in during class. Not believing my ears, I ...

(4 pages) 59 1 4.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Who Am I?

r behind her. "Hi sweetheart, I am in the kitchen preparing your favorite dessert for tonight," her mother exclaims. Maria runs to her room, throws off her backpack and quickly heads for the kitchen. ... runs to her room, throws off her backpack and quickly heads for the kitchen. "How was school?" her mother, Beatriz asks. Before Maria could even respond to her mother's question she began crying hyst ...

(4 pages) 33 0 3.0 May/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Poems & Short Stories


ses to bring great joy as it changes a couple or individual's life forever. But what happens if the mother of that child wants to endorse their child? Those are the issues that many adopting parents a ... child wants to endorse their child? Those are the issues that many adopting parents and birth-right mothers are facing today. Many biological mothers want their child back. There are many concerns for ...

(3 pages) 71 0 1.0 Jul/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community > Children and Youngsters

Analysis of Variables in Early Maternal Employment that Influence Child Outcomes

uences children's development is a matter of social interest as well as individual concern for many mothers. Although research has looked into the impact of maternal employment on children (James-Burd ... ller, Keiley, et al, 1998). The estimation of a universal average effect on all children of working mothers, therefore, may conceal the fact that specific groups of children could be particularly adve ...

(18 pages) 94 0 3.7 Jan/2007

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

'A Child called it' by Dave Pelzer

as had a truly extra ordinary life he nearly died several times by his mentally disturbed alcoholic mother. His life started like any other kid in a happy family, with a loving mum, dad, and two olde ... this changed when Dave entered 1st grade. There was no apparent reason but he was the one that the mother picked on, not his other brothers. She started abusing him which began relatively mildly. Whe ...

(3 pages) 34 3 4.5 Jun/2007

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Analyzation Of Characters And Themes In My Darling

l. Parental advice greatly shapes the choices children make. Liz made bad choices partly because he mother never provided her without any real guidance. Never judge anyone on what they look like; some ...

(4 pages) 1694 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Abuse In Families

abused by her father, which began to destroy her mentally, and damages the relationship between her mother, and father. The stresses of this nature often break down the family structure by dissolving ... ting her, which dissolved the mutual respect between parent and child. She was quite upset with her mother for not stepping in and helping her. Her attitude and behavior changed towards her parents. S ...

(3 pages) 10 0 5.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Controversial Issues > Drugs & Alchohol

4 Stages Of Growth And How It Affected Me

TRUST VS MISTRUST Because I couldn't remember anything about the ages from 0 to 1.5, I asked my mother and since all human beings are the same when they are infants I absorbed other infants action ...

(3 pages) 14 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community > Children and Youngsters

I agree with Bandura’s theories on behaviorism. In my very

ism. In my very own family examples of his ideas are very prevalent. My sister is very much like my mother and had always modeled her. They are both sensitive, my mom is very neat and likes everything ...

(1 pages) 20 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Agree/Disagree Analytical Paper: If I never found the right partner, I would still want to parent alone, through adoption, artificial insemination, a surrogate or some other means.

option is the legal act of permanently placing a child with a parent or parents other than the birthmother or birthfather. An adoption order has the effect of severing parental responsibilities and ri ... to the parents. And that means who adopted the children has the same responsibilities as their birthmother or father to take care of them. There are many reasons why someone would want to adopt a chil ...

(4 pages) 2414 0 3.0 Nov/2009

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine > Sex & Sexuality