Essays Tagged: "Violence and Abuse"

Brilliant Lies by David Williamson shows that sexual harassment is a twisted combination of sex and power.

Brilliant Lies by David Williamson shows that sexual harassment is a twisted combination of sex and power. Susy Conner uses sex to gain power, Gary Fitzgerald uses power to gain sex and Brian Conn ... Fitzgerald uses power to gain sex and Brian Conner was too drunk to realise his abuse of both power and sexual harassment. All of these characters wanted something and they all thought they knew how t ...

(3 pages) 60 0 4.6 Mar/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Behavior Development in Violence

Behavior Development in ViolenceThirteen innocent lives had been taken from Littleton, Colorado's high school in April 1999. ... ause is the social imbalance of how the two teens felt: isolation, embarrassment, mockery, and hurt.Violence originated in a school environment, affecting the young teens' mental health, academic achi ... tion. Many violent cases usually result from the earlier stages in school, where smaller amounts of violence contribute to a more serious violent act later in the person's life. Kicking, hitting, spit ...

(4 pages) 157 1 4.3 Apr/2003

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Booklet the displays all the infor for employee and employer rights and responsibilities.

grasp of ?the big picture? so that you know what sort of work you would be doing.?Ability to understand software programs such as, Linux/Unix, Perl, C, C++ or Java, PHP, MySQL and HTML.?And understand ... P, MySQL and HTML.?And understanding or knowledge of TCP/IP program.?Ability to train new employees and be keen on database design and structures.?Good interpersonal skills?Ability to work in a group? ...

(4 pages) 132 0 3.3 Nov/2003

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Case Studies

Analysis of a Personal Significant Life Stress.

man year of college. During the second week, I was sexually assaulted by three African-American men and stalked at my residence hall following the assault. I knew one man out of the three who I had ta ... e three who I had talked to the day before the event, but the other two were supposedly his brother and cousin. The police believe that the act was done for a gang initiation because the police depart ...

(5 pages) 88 1 0.0 Nov/2003

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Religion & Faith


ullying comes in many different forms. There is verbal bullying, physical bullying, mental bullying and emotional bullying. It's not just certain people who can bully. Anyone, anywhere can bully anoth ... e all their family members living together. Normally bullies are jealous of something that you have and they don't. Sometimes what that is, is not always obvioous.Bullying can take place anywere, in a ...

(3 pages) 144 0 4.3 Feb/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Children And Domenstic Violence Stephene Drouillard

"The cycle of violence must be broken before today's abused child becomes tomorrow's abuser." (The Attorney Genera ... efore today's abused child becomes tomorrow's abuser." (The Attorney General's Task Force on Family Violence: 1984)Every year an estimated 3.3 million children are exposed to violence against members ... violence against members of their family, or caretaker by other family members. In homes where this violence occurs, fear, instability, and confusion replace the love, comfort, and care that a child n ...

(6 pages) 107 0 5.0 Mar/2004

Subjects: Humanities Essays

"Battered Wives, Shattered Lives"

", narrated by Mr. Ed Asner. The movie sheds some light on numerous cases and instances of domestic violence and the battering of women.The states of New Jersey, Minnesota, and Alaska have taken actio ... f women.The states of New Jersey, Minnesota, and Alaska have taken action to recognize the domestic violence issues and taken action to hold the abusers accountable for their unjust actions. Abuse was ...

(1 pages) 38 0 4.7 Jul/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

Bulling Essay

ng or spreading rumours about them.Another form of bullying is physiological, for instance, staring and dirty looks, laughing at them for no reason or possibly prank or threatening phone calls.Bullies ... that they are very different people therefore the bully may not feel they can relate to this person and may think because they are different that they have the right to control the other persons life. ...

(4 pages) 67 0 5.0 Sep/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Bullies, A Normal Path In Society

There are basically two type of bullying: male and the rising popularity of female bullying. Bullying occurs all the time, all around the world. It ... street. People should never run away from bullies. This will make them think you are scared of them and that they can over power you. Probably the worst thing to do is to keep your feelings to yoursel ... ied themselves. I feel sometimes when stress is put upon me, I want to get it out on somebody else, and I have also witness this through other people. People are usually scared to tell somebody if the ...

(1 pages) 43 0 1.0 Oct/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Bad Driving Habits is an exemplification essay about bad driving habits using the author as examples.

Thousands of people are killed in car accidents every year. There are an assortment of reasons why; from ... t people are killed in car accidents each year is because most people have very bad driving habits, and the main of these people are teenagers. Many teens believe themselves to be immortal, so they fe ... ople are teenagers. Many teens believe themselves to be immortal, so they feel they can do anything and nothing will go wrong, or hurt them. The three worst habits teens have are road rage, poor grasp ...

(3 pages) 137 0 3.0 Feb/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

How to Article-"How to Cope with an Abusive Relationship"

ers react to the slightest provocation - real or imagined - with disproportionate wrath and, often, violence. It is important, therefore, never to openly and repeatedly disagree with your abuser or co ...

(3 pages) 17 0 3.0 Apr/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology

Article: Native Women Abuse

It was surprising to me when I read that Native American women experience the highest rate of violence among any other racial group. I always thought Native people were so peaceful and calm. How ... oup. I always thought Native people were so peaceful and calm. However I then read that most of the violence towards them are from another race. It was shocking to learn that ¾'s of Native Amer ...

(1 pages) 1163 1 1.0 May/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community

The Causes Road Rage in Australia.

tolerant and are unable to control their own impulses. As a result, many offenders are prone to use violence as a solution and will have used violence in previous situations. Even slight damage or thr ...

(3 pages) 35 0 0.0 Aug/2005

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Abuse and Neglect on the elderly

Abuse and neglect are most common among the weakest elements of society, the very young and the very old. ... of society, the very young and the very old. Abuse and the neglect of the elderly is a widespread, and therefore societal, problem. This news report outlines the problems of seniors living in nursing ... n has had their time; it is now time to move on.It is a social divide. Younger is stronger, faster, and more powerful; therefore benefits more by not empowering the elderly.The problem of elder abuse ...

(1 pages) 104 0 3.0 Apr/2006

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Sociology

Advanced Practice Nurses and Domestic Violence

mary care providers, have an obligation to advocate for abused patients. Specialization of domestic violence case management holds great potential to address domestic violence effectively (Epstein, 19 ... nurses are in prime positions to impact staff development, research, and daily practice of domestic violence prevention and screening while attending to the primary care needs of 80% of the ambulatory ...

(2 pages) 44 0 3.0 Jul/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Health & Medicine

College Hazing

barrassment, harassment, or ridicule.There are two specific types of hazing. They are subtle hazing and harassment hazing. Subtle hazing is any action that is against accepted sorority or fraternity s ... hazing is any action that is against accepted sorority or fraternity standards of conduct, behavior and good tastes. An activity or attitude directed toward a pledge or an act which ridicules. Harassm ...

(1 pages) 11 1 3.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers > Management


Violence is it all the media?s fault? Which came first? The chicken or the egg? This has been the ce ... media?s fault? Which came first? The chicken or the egg? This has been the central issue concerning violence in the media for years and years. Does violence in life imitate violence in art? Or, does v ... ears and years. Does violence in life imitate violence in art? Or, does violence in art derive from violence in life? Also, how do we curtail the random acts of violence within our society? Does the a ...

(7 pages) 16 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Communication Studies > The Media

The Dangers of Columbine

disturbing school projects. Harris made a story in creative writing about dume which showed lots of violence and gore. There was crude descriptions and imagery in this tale. Also, the two boys made a ...

(2 pages) 11 0 3.0 Jul/2008

Subjects: History Term Papers

The Causes and Effects of Bullying

McAndrew 4 Works Cited"Bullying." American Psychological Association. 19 Feb 2007.APA Government Relat ... APA Government Relations. 15 Apr 2007.<>."Bullying and Your Child." Kidshealth. Nov 2004. NemoursFoundation. 15 Apr 2007. < ... 5 Apr 2007. <>."Little Tough Guys Handling Preschool Bullies." Preschoolers Today. 15Apr 2007. < ...

(1 pages) 88 0 5.0 Nov/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing


ded - a staggering number can be blamed largely on bullying."Additionally, "[s]ince 1992, 25 school violence events have left 50 people dead and 119 injured.Across the board, each source I have read i ...

(6 pages) 54 0 5.0 Jun/2009

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Society and community