Essays Tagged: "Writing"

Descriptive essay: "How I Learn"

can use the method of solving similar problems that I've been shown. When doing something, such as writing a paper, I don't know if I've done a successful job or got the right answers until it has be ... te to fix. There is no problem for me to answer. The only question I must solve is that of what I'm writing about. Sometimes I don't even answer the question because I get off track and begin writing ...

(2 pages) 110 0 3.7 Nov/2002

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

How to become a successful creative writer

ine, but can never seem to think up a good plot or conflict. Some people simply don't care much for writing. It takes extreme grammar and spelling experts. You don't have to be an A average student in ... e it. Reading from different authors and genres helps you get under the skin of different voices in writing, and puts you in many different reading environments. It helps you pick up on different styl ...

(12 pages) 349 6 4.2 Feb/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Descriptive Essays

Attitude Towards Writing

Writing is a waist of time, or at least I have always thought it to be. Why write when I can just ta ... ng, I have found out that when I need to express my feelings but have no one there to listen to me, writing is the best way out.In the years previous to now I have always despised the idea of writing, ... rs previous to now I have always despised the idea of writing, I never understood what the point of writing was if I could just simply tell the teacher what I thought. So why write? Not too long of a ...

(2 pages) 53 1 5.0 Dec/2003

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing > Persuasive Writing

How can we help children become good writers of narrative? Essay gives advice to teachers about story writing in the classroom

children need to have a wide range of experience in hearing and reading stories.'The roots of story writing lie in a rich experience of listening to and watching stories, drama and role play, early st ... story reading, frequent re-reading of favourites and the telling/retelling of all forms of story' (Writing Narrative: writer flier 2:NLS)As well as an extensive background of stories children need th ...

(6 pages) 141 1 3.5 Feb/2004

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Education

What are diaries?

(2 pages) 23 0 4.3 Mar/2004

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Determining audience, purpose, and tone This essay is a few years old but i hope that people will still take it into acount.

Before you can begin to plan an essay, you need to think seriously about whom you are writing for, what your purpose is in addressing the audience, and what tone or attitude about your s ... out how to organize and develop your paper.Knowing your audience is necessary to keep your focus in writing. It helps your reader feel that the essay was meant specifically for him or her to read, and ... d to be defined, whether the audience is biased towards certain ideas and how simple or complex the writing needs to be.The purpose and tone of your essay is also bound up in the audience. For example ...

(1 pages) 22 0 0.0 Feb/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > Creative Writing

Analysis of a Successful Business Communication Essay

Literate business communication is important when it comes to business writing. Understanding how to properly write a business letter is invaluable tools and could determi ... easy to do.The example of literatebusiness communication I found clearly expresses the point of the writing. It is well written and states its purpose without loosing the meaning to the reader. In the ... is written in easy to understand language.The writer in this sample uses an indirect approach. The writing is trying to target all of the employees of the company. Each person who reads this is to be ...

(1 pages) 169 0 4.3 Feb/2005

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

"The Author To Her Book" by Anne Bradstreet.

poem directed towards her previously written book. The whole poem is an extended metaphor as it is writing about writing. The book is personified as her child and thus there is simple rhyme and rhyth ...

(4 pages) 32 0 3.0 Oct/2005

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

Analysis of the writings of Ambrose Bierce.

ry language to tell the story in undertones and symbols, he says exactly what he means, while still writing very well and provoking thought. One example of this is a passage from arguably his best sto ... such a great writer whose stories will last throughout the ages. People may attempt to look in his writing for symbolism in the way he talks, but I believe that if there is any at all, it is a minisc ...

(3 pages) 23 0 0.0 Feb/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American > Authors

Analysis of "Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan

ship with her mother, who speaks "broken" English. Essentially, Amy ending up changing her style of writing because of her mother, who changed Amy's perception of language. In the beginning of her lif ... er true relationship with her mother, and subsequently allows that newfound knowledge to affect her writing. Their relationship is one of wonderful love and comfort, one where they can speak broken En ...

(1 pages) 29540 0 5.0 May/2006

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > North American

Dear Reviewer

Dear Reviewer,Over the past four years writing has become an important part of my life. This year alone quality writing has become even mor ... important part of my life. This year alone quality writing has become even more important. Our own writing sets us apart from other writers. Our senior teachers help us to prepare and write good piec ... ust meant to tell you how I've changed as a writer but also reasons why I've changed as a writer.My writing portfolio was the most important task of my senior year. There is a quote that I like to rec ...

(3 pages) 52 0 4.5 Jul/2006

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Language Studies > Writing

Business Communication

n various ways e.g., tables, advertisements etc.Written:When the message being sent is displayed in writing, e.g. email, letters, fax etc.Internal and external are another two methods of communication ... signments. Bear in mind that a format, however helpful, cannot replace clear thinking and strategic writing. You still need to organize your ideas carefully and express them coherently. Be precise and ...

(25 pages) 454 0 4.3 Jul/2006

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers

Clarifications Regarding English

expect a lot of written work, for example an ISP, journals, essays or even sight work. All of this writing helps you to expand you thoughts and ideas at which you should understand that the higher le ... your weakest abilities can also be your strongest strengths. Some students' weaknesses may be essay writing, spelling and grammar, others can have personal weaknesses such as getting carried away in c ...

(3 pages) 1063 0 0.0 Nov/2001

Subjects: Literature Research Papers

Book report on strunk and whit

round, don't overwrite and don't overstate. Although Strunk's rules deal more with the mechanics of writing and White tends to talk about the presentation of the writing, it comes together to make the ... it comes together to make the book complete. From the book I have learned some things about writing that I did not know, but I have also refreshed my memory on some things that I already knew. ...

(2 pages) 1258 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry

The book Elements of Style by

round, don't overwrite and don't overstate. Although Strunk's rules deal more with the mechanics of writing and White tends to talk about the presentation of the writing, it comes together to make the ... it comes together to make the book complete. From the book I have learned some things about writing that I did not know, but I have also refreshed my memory on some things that I already knew. ...

(2 pages) 1256 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Literature Research Papers > European Literature > Poetry


otes and book reports,Free database with over 2000 essays 3 16 15 14 The Writer's Coach Fast Custom Writing! Your term paper will be the ONE & ONLY. Former university professor will solve your wri ...

(1 pages) 9 0 3.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Social Science Essays > Psychology > Psychological Theories & Authors

        Anywhere you look, there is a lesson that could be

is not the only method in our grasp, many have found adequate fullfillment through various forms of writing. The options of expression that a writer has are virtually endless. In writing, the ... y. Because the words that they put down on paper often stem from experiences that plague the heart, writing can be personal, it can be offensive, and it can hurt. However on the flip side of this, rea ...

(4 pages) 1268 0 0.0 Feb/2008

Subjects: Humanities Essays > Philosophy

Business Communication Web Search

Communication Web SearchSuccessful business communication is key for any business to succeed. When writing a business message the author should follow a few simple rules. Business communication shoul ... ed on the left side of the website. The first section that is helpful is the Objectives of Business writing. The objectives are listed in a short paragraph and explain the main purpose of business wri ...

(3 pages) 23 0 0.0 May/2010

Subjects: Businesss Research Papers